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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

What changes/enhancements would you like to see?


Well-known member
We are looking at making some changes to Hero Lab to better support Savage Worlds. So, I'm soliciting feedback on what folks think should be added or changed to allow Hero Lab to be able to be used for more of the Savage Worlds settings. A partial list of what we're looking at is:

1. The Fantasy Companion book
2. The Super Powers Companion book
3. Adding the capability to support a second Faction
4. Adding functionality to better support Derived Traits related to Rank
5. Updating it with the changes in Savage Worlds Deluxe

What we're looking for is feedback on what else Hero Lab could do in order to make it more useful for Savage Worlds players. What kinds of things would you like to see?

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I'd like a couple of campaign options that you can set, such as increasing the number of starting Edges and the option to override/ignore Background Edges restrictions so that they can be taken after character creation. From a quick glance at the Savage Worlds Deluxe edition it looks like the restriction on Background Edges has been lifted so my second request may be moot if you're going to support the Deluxe edition.


For my part, it looks like you're nailing the two things I would most like to see:
1. Support for Savage Worlds Deluxe
2. Ability to purchase the Fantasy Companion

Given how vital new edges are in customizing a setting, you will want to ensure that doing so is as easy as possible (I have no idea how hard it is now; haven't tried).

Is SWD going to "replace" EE, or will there be a toggle?
HL needs the ability to adjust the number of language slots a PC gets.
Pulse it would be great to be able to add user defined Languages.
For example for a fantasy game I have Common, Orc, and Zoolander as languages. It would be great to be able to select those languages with out having to type them every time.
As far as modifying the number of languages a character gets, there's an Edge in Hellfrost called Linguist that allows someone to have their Smarts in languages rather than half Smarts. I can show you how to code an Edge that will allow you to modify the number of Languages a player gets now, and you can create an Edge that you can give to either a single hero or the entire party for free. The code in the Eval Script looks like this to add a single language:

#resmax[resLang] = #trait[attrSma] + 1
#resleft[resLang] = #trait[attrSma] + 1

To add more, just change the number being added in both equations. To make it Smarts instead of half Smarts, use this:

#resmax[resLang] += #trait[attrSma]
#resleft[resLang] += #trait[attrSma]

The timing on either of these two Eval Scripts needs to be Phase:Final Priority:2000. I've attached a .user file with an example. Will that cover your needs as far as number of languages?

Having a list of pre-set languages is a bit more difficult. Since Savage Worlds is such an open-ended system, it's not easy to come up with a fixed list of languages. Each game would have it's own set. If we set it up to use a fixed set of languages from a list built using the editor, it could force everyone to set up a list in the editor and not all users are comfortable with that. I have an idea or two about how this could be handled, but it's not a sure thing.

Keep those ideas coming!


- I have to put in a big vote to update to the Deluxe edition. This would be by far my number 1 must have to kep Hero Lab even viable for SW.
- Also, the Fantasy Companion would be a great addition, especially if you could get the race creator in there. I'd love to see some of the Pulp Edges added in as well from the Pulp Toolkit.
- A few more custom options would certainly be great, like the ability to add an extra Edge (for free, like can be gained in Slipstream with the use of the Heroic rule.)
- Of course I would love to see the official settings added, especially Slipstream so that we would have some Sci-Fi options.
Order of preference for me:
1) Update to SW Deluxe
2) Support for Realms of Cthulhu (this should be relatively easy, perhaps doing stat changes first then support for 1890s, 1920s, modern equipment second)
3) Support for Fantasy Companion
Order of preference for me:
1) Update to SW Deluxe
2) Support for Realms of Cthulhu (this should be relatively easy, perhaps doing stat changes first then support for 1890s, 1920s, modern equipment second)
3) Support for Fantasy Companion

Add the super power books, Deadlands, and Space 1889 and you got my wish list.
Alrighty, so to compile things a bit...looks like the bulk of the people want

SW Deluxe
Supers Companion
Fantasy Companion
Pulp Toolkit

RoC (In Progress)
Deadlands (There is a Deadlands Reloaded User file up at this site. www.cheeseweasel.net. Also check out this thread)
Space 1899
Slipstream (I have heard rumors that someone is working on this)

Custom options for
- extra Edge
- override/ignore background edge restrictions

I agree with Crusader's thought on Languages. While it would be a lot easier just to select the languages you want, each of those languages would need to be entered in the editor...for each setting. If you are talking a modern, real-world setting, the list is MUCH longer than 10 languages (it's over 7000).
It might be possible to take care of those last two already.

Extra Edge: You can add an extra Edge on the Personal tab with Permanent Adjustments.

Override Prerequisites: Open the Editor, and create a duplicate of the Edge you want to set up without prereqs. Remove the prereqs from the duplicate. Then bootstrap the original Edge to it, and open the Tags menu in the bootstrap item and add:
Group ID: thing
Tag ID: skipprereq
This will cause it to skip all prereqs. Then on the duplicate, click on Omit from Printout and the printed character sheet will only show the bootstrapped Edge. Voila!

The main reason I wrote it out this way was to show how to skip pre-requisites. Actually, once you've created the duplicate without the prereqs, you're done. Just choose that version.
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It might be possible to take care of those last two already.

Extra Edge: You can add an extra Edge on the Personal tab with Permanent Adjustments.

Rob one time mentioned adding an Adjustments tab to the Editor for adding such things as extra edges, extra hits/wounds, etc. Is this still in the works?
Suggested Change/Enhancement.

Currently, Arcane Backgrounds are selected through the powers, to determine which powers are useable by which arcane backgrounds. The issue with this, is every time a new setting book comes out with a new arcane background, all the powers need to be copied, with only the new AB selected in them.

Suggestion, would be to change how this is done, where, through the Arcane Background, the applicable powers are selected. This would reduce the time needed to copy all the core powers into a user defined file for a new setting, just to add in a new Arcane Background.
Sundered Skies Companion has been added in. Unfortunately I had to integrate the files together. There are still some issues I am trying to work out. If anyone is interested in the files, I'm more than happy to share them.
If it's not too late to add a request...

It would be very helpful to have the option of entering a custom Edge or Hindrance.

That way users could use HeroLab for new published settings with unique Traits without having to wait for someone to create a data file for them.
I was going to post some suggestions, but realized I may be way too late to this party if the coding is in its final stages. I'll wait for the new release, then comment with an eye toward future enhancements.

Are you planning on having Edges, Magic, and Weapons from the various setting books available in the core pack for SW, or will each setting be a separate add-on?