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Community Created Files 1.8 and later

Seeker of the Misty Isle (Complete Divine)

I needed this for a character and figured it would be put to use by others, too.

It doesn't correctly add the domains to the list at the top of a cleric tab, but it does add the domain spells to the list so they can be chosen if you add the domains manually.

It's a well-known error that the table for the class in Complete Divine doesn't match the text regarding the spellcasting increases. According to the text, Seeker grants full casting advancement for all 10 levels. The table says it's an 8/10 caster. Since text trumps table according to errata documents, it has 10/10 casting.


I think I've integrated all the user content I've received since the last update, and am just looking to touch up a few things or see if there's anything easily added. I anticipate a new release next week.
Triskelion, I don't think that would be possilbe. We would need access to the core files to do the changes and the community doesn't have that access.
I've added the Erudite class to the upcoming release. It's pretty basic as I can't figure out a good way to restrict users to manifesting only the unique powers they have available to them. For now, players and GM's will have to self monitor.

I've also updated the Expanded Knowledge feat to allow users to select which power to add to which class. Currently, this will only work with one class which should cover most cases. I'll need to think about how to improve this functionality. Would be really nice if feats allowed two choosers. :(
Okay, I'll bite

How do I add epic levels to my characters? Or epic items?

I see that the Epic Level Handbook has been added at some point, but I still can't add Epic class levels, create Epic ( bonus > +5) items, or add Epic spells.

...am I missing something?
This seems to be a problem that was never really implimented. I don't think the d20 code can do it as written. The epic level book from the community file is also not fully implimented. I saw quite a few thread on it but no solutions sorry. I did see someone mention PCGen working for epic. http://pcgen.org/

Sorry I don't have more help for you.
How do I add epic levels to my characters? Or epic items?

I see that the Epic Level Handbook has been added at some point, but I still can't add Epic class levels, create Epic ( bonus > +5) items, or add Epic spells.

...am I missing something?

Provos is correct. In general, a source being included in the community set doesn't guarantee completeness. I've had some recent thoughts in this area I may experiment with, but the d20 system on HL isn't currently set up to handle epic levels so we'll have to get creative to handle that.