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Announcement about Subscriptions

To confirm, if I GM and upgrade to Patron, my players ONLY need an apprentice account correct? They don't have to rebuy a Core System, PSE, SR6, or Starfinder correct?
Can we get more specifics about how control of characters works related to content being shared?

Can a demo account control a Patron-kept member-controlled PC? for example...

Also, is there a reason why only Apprentice accounts renew on a 4-month interval? Why can't we get apprentice for 12 months like the others?
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Also, apologies for the slight (and temporary) thread piracy - Rob, could you please attend, at least a little, to the HLC threads? I wouldn't ask here, but here is literally the ONLY place that's getting any love from LW officials and "shot callers." Specifically, I would like to know the status of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition update and of porting HLC content for PF1 to HLO.

Thanks, and please return now to the original topic of this thread.

Sorry Rob - One more thing. Please give us an update on the status of the HeroLab 64 bit version integration with RealmWorks fix.
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Also, apologies for the slight (and temporary) thread piracy - Rob, could you please attend, at least a little, to the HLC threads? I wouldn't ask here, but here is literally the ONLY place that's getting any love from LW officials and "shot callers." Specifically, I would like to know the status of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition update and of porting HLC content for PF1 to HLO.

Thanks, and please return now to the original topic of this thread.

Sorry Rob - One more thing. Please give us an update on the status of the HeroLab 64 bit version integration with RealmWorks fix.

I'm finally getting the time to circle back on these items for you. Please note that I won't be actively monitoring the HLC forums. Heck, I rarely check the HLO forums anymore and am only doing so recently because there's so much new stuff out. So I'm going to answer your HLC questions here. You can forward this information to other forums you deem appropriate, but please remember that I won't be monitoring those places.

Now that we've got the PF2 GMG wrapping up, SWADE should get the attention is deserves. There should be some details coming soon regarding SWADE.

Prior to having all the Campaign Theater stuff in place, there wasn't a compelling reason for PF1 users to migrate to the HLO space. Now that we've finally got that stuff operational, PF1 migration is a viable path. That said, we still need to flesh out some of the CT functionality first, and implementing the migration will entail a sizable chunk of work. So nothing is imminent, but the subject of PF1 migration is going to be a "hot topic" in-house in the weeks ahead.

The issue with HLC 64-bit and RW got completely lost in the past many months of coding madness. And it's unlikely to get addressed for at least a couple more weeks, based on our current game plan. But I'm putting it back on my radar, and I'll do my best to investigate it in the weeks ahead. Sorry I can't be more definitive on this.