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Old March 5th, 2012, 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
It may also not be able to track things if you borrow the racial ability from another race - often, racial abilities don't have a source assigned, but they're still only available in a package.
Thanks. When I had tried it out before it was not really working well for the Racial Specials for what I assumed to be exactly what you said above.

The editors that create the races have most of the official packages so they bootstrap from all over.

In the case above its the whole race that is missing and requires another official package. So in the exact case above it probably would work using the Prepare for Distribution. So I will keep it in mind for the future.

Unfortunately I simply don't have the time to do the above for each .por file. The number of .por files in the CB is getting pretty big now. Plus I am not even sure how even if the info got compiled would I be able to get it out to everyone. Would a complete list of every .por file and its requirements be needed or just the ones that are different from the Packages required to load. Also trying to maintain that list for each and every release would be crazy. Not including again do I put it into the thread post which is already too big for a single post. Or put it into a ReadMe file that is included in the CB? Who is going to read something that is easily going to be pages long and you have to dig it out of the Data folder?

I just don't see a good way of doing this that is not going to consume hours and hours of time for very little pay off.

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