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Pathfinder Community Data Sets....

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Well-known member
Hello All,

Just wanted to make a single place for me to mention the great community files that are available for download at d20pfsrd.

I was also thinking that a central place for any issues found for these community data sets would be nice as they are sort of spread out all over the place right now. :)

Latest Updates 7/10/2010
Known Projects in the works
  • Adventurer's Armory - ShadowChemosh & Risner. We are very close to completion of this. More fixes and need to finish putting in the official errata.

So if you find any issues with any of the data sets please feel free to post that info here. If anyone has any data sets(.user) files they want to have me post feel free to email me at shadowchemosh(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Wanted to add some additional information regarding the data sets I can post. The guy that runs d20pfsrd has asked that I not post anything unless its OGL or CUP. So anything put out by Paizo is safe but other publishers and WotC can fall into the non-OGL stuff. For example the Eberron races I converted can't be posted and even the Spellless Ranger from Kobold Quarterly can't be posted as they are Non-OGL.

Something I am trying to start is that anything I create currently will be getting a new Simple Thing called "Version History" and another one called "To Do". These are located under the "Simple" tab in the editor. This allows for a place for the editors to record who was the author of the file, when it created, and a way of contacting them. It should also be used for others to mark any updates/changes they make.

The "To Do" list should be used if you have stuff that is not currently working or competed. This could be because its beyond your current skill level or could be something currently can't be done do to limitations in HL.

So before submitting your files if any editors could create the above it would help myself and the community out as a whole to try and keep track of the files floating around.

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Hi All -
I don't know if ShadowChemosh owns d20PFSRD.com or not - but it is nominated for an ENnie. If it is ShadowChemosh's site, we need to make sure we vote for it - even if not we need to vote for it, as it's got our HeroLab files. Plus HeroLab has been nominated for An ENnie.
Voting Starts Next Week.
Be Well. Be Well Voted.
Theocrat Issak
Nope I am just a contributor to the site which is done by John Reyst who has put a TON of work into the site and totally deserves any credit. Mostly my contribution to the site is the Unofficial FAQ actually and now the Hero Lab stuff.

John will be getting my vote....
Wanted to add some additional information regarding the data sets I can post. The guy that runs d20pfsrd has asked that I not post anything unless its OGL or CUP. So anything put out by Paizo is safe but other publishers and WotC can fall into the non-OGL stuff. For example the Eberron races I converted can't be posted and even the Spellless Ranger from Kobold Quarterly can't be posted as they are Non-OGL.

Something I am trying to start is that anything I create currently will be getting a new Simple Thing called "Version History" and another one called "To Do". These are located under the "Simple" tab in the editor. This allows for a place for the editors to record who was the author of the file, when it created, and a way of contacting them. It should also be used for others to mark any updates/changes they make.

The "To Do" list should be used if you have stuff that is not currently working or competed. This could be because its beyond your current skill level or could be something currently can't be done do to limitations in HL.

So before submitting your files if any editors could create the above it would help myself and the community out as a whole to try and keep track of the files floating around.

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Something I am trying to start is that anything I create currently will be getting a new Simple Thing called "Version History" and another one called "To Do". These are located under the "Simple" tab in the editor. This allows for a place for the editors to record who was the author of the file, when it created, and a way of contacting them. It should also be used for others to mark any updates/changes they make.

This is a good idea - such a good idea that we've added support for it in Hero Lab. :) In Hero Lab 3.6, the editor will allow you to edit author, history and to-do information for a file, without having to create things to do it.
I think Colen meant V3.6c, which is an update due out imminently, and not the already released V3.6. :)
Hey All!

This is John, the original creator of, but now simply one of many maintainers of, d20pfsrd.com. Tim has done an incredible job with the Pathfinder FAQ that literally has received thousands of hits since he set it up and his Hero Lab files are extremely popular as well. I wanted to thank Tim for all his work on the site so far and to remind him that his work is very appreciated.

At the same time I wanted to thank Tim for mentioning that we're up for an Ennie and I'd love to have the support of the Hero Lab community! There's seriously stiff competition and we can use all the support we can get as soon as voting opens on Friday.

Anyway, take care and see you on the site Tim!


Can I please request help with doing the Arcanist class from Tome of Secrets? I have a player that needs this. Great thanks in advance!
Hey all, I wanted to drop my 2 cents in as well. It has been great to offer the user created datasets for everyone. And the user involvement from the community has been great as well.

When i get back from gen Con I will have more time to work on the website and create more files as well. (Don’t ask me about the website, I am in domain hell at the moment).

Last year Lawful_g, B0drin, and I tried to set a team up to work through entire D&D 3.5 books. Things got real busy for me and B0drin as unfortunately the bulk of the work fell onto to Lawful_g who did a brilliant job at creating the files. Now, looking back I think maybe our efforts were a bit too premature. The user community was just starting to gel, and I think (correct me if I am wrong) but the user base of Hero Lab has really expanded a lot over the last year. I think we might have just jumped the gun a bit on forming teams to do work.

But now I think the idea should be revisited. I know that lawful_g is doing a lot of work for D&D 3.5 so I won’t point him out to be on the hook for anything. But I really think the rest of the user community could benefit from some organization and coordination. I would like to see some teams put together and tackle larger files and projects.

To this end, I recommend the following:

- Users talk among themselves and form a team, complete with a team name
- Each team will state its current project/objective
- Each team will have a point of contact
- Each point of contact for each team will be listed on Shadow’s and my sites
- Each teams current projects will be list on the sites as well
- Each effort will be run like a project with time lines and milestones

Maybe we can even come up with a prize for the team that produces the most by the end of the year. This is just a thought, but I really feel that the community has grown to a point where we could knock out a lot of content if we could focus out creativity and direction.

So think about it and let me know what you think. I will get with Lawful_g and the HL folks at Gen Con and talk it out a bit and when I get back I’ll post up what was decided.

I welcome all and any comments. Thanks.
So think about it and let me know what you think. I will get with Lawful_g and the HL folks at Gen Con and talk it out a bit and when I get back I’ll post up what was decided.

I welcome all and any comments. Thanks.
I'm at GenCon this year too - I'd be interested in speaking with everyone about helping with that kind of thing.

I'm working on Rise of the Runelords content at the moment; 80% done Book 2 (which was my personal priority - Xanesha and some overall polish left) and 40% done Book 1 right now - ETA for both is end of August. I'll be chewing through the rest of it after those two books are done.
Hello All,

New Updates. :)

Latest Updates 8/3/2010
  • Fixed the Sources error in all affected .user files caused by the v3.6d update.
Download at d20pfsrd or see this post to fix the issue yourself.
Hello All,

New Updates. :)

Latest Updates 8/21/2010
  • Updated pf_GeneralAdjustments.user file. I added some new spell effects(ie Ant Haul, Mage Armor, Shield) and an adjustment for each type of armor(natural, shield...). This is an update to the .user file Huntercc originally did. Note will be sending a updated copy to Cheifweasel also. Note: To get the spell effects to show up you need to check the new source "Spell Effects Show as Conditions" under the Optional Rules section.
Download at d20pfsrd in the zMisc folder.
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