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Latest Updates July 8, 2011
PFRPG_Adjustments.user 7/8/2011. by ShadowChemosh. New adjustments file that holds many useful adjustments for both players and DMs. This is in the
zMisc folder. This .user file adds all the following with the latest updates in blue.
- You can now add any of the following natural attacks to any creature/race/character. Once added you can easily adjust what the name of the natural attack is and you can up or down the die size. The natural weapons added are: Bite, Claw, Gore, Slam, Sting, Tail Slap, Talons, and Wing.
[*]The Grab special attack is added as an adjustment now. Once added the Grab racial ability will display on the character. You then select the attack this is associated to and the wording " (plus grab)" shows next to the natural attack to remind you.
[*]Poison Attacks added. You select the type of poison ie (Natural Weapon: Poison, CON) would add a CON damaging poison. Then you select the natural weapon the poison is associated to so that the wording " (plus CON poison)" displays next to the natural attack. Then use the counter to set the die size (ie 1d4, 1d6), the (source) section lets you set the number of additional saves required. Finally the duration section lets you set the number of rounds the poison lasts for with 1 round as the default.
- Saving Throw for each specific bonus type (ie Alchemical, Circumstance, Enhancement, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane, Resistance, Sacred and Trait). These will NOT stack with a similar type of bonus. I needed this for my own games so my players could do quick adjusts by bonus type.
- Armor Class adjustments for the following: Armor, Deflection, Dodge, Natural, Shield, and Touch.
- Damage Reduction adjustment that lets you either remove DR, change DR to a different type (ie from Slashing to Evil) or adjust the DR value to what ever you wish. You can also use this adjustment to REMOVE the DR of a creature. The Damage Reductions included are: -, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Evil, Good, Magic, Piercing, Silver, and Slashing.
- Weapon CMB/CMD adjustments. These adjustments let you add additional information to your weapons. For example lets say you have a weapon that gives a +2 CMB when doing trip. You would select the "Weapon Trip: CMB" adjustment, select your weapon, and set the counter to +2. The wording of "Trip-CMB+" will appear next to your weapon with your current Trip CMB value including the +2 from the adjustment. So if your character currently has a +10 to trip it would read "Trip-CMB+12" next to your weapon. The adjustments are the following: Weapon Trip: CMB, Weapon Trip: CMD, Weapon Disarm: CMB, Weapon Disarm: CMD, Weapon Sunder: CMB, Weapon Sunder: CMD, Weapon: CMB, Weapon: CMD.
- Weapon elemental damage. These adjustments let you add the wording of +1d6 next to a weapon. The ones included are for: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
- Weapon Crit Multiplier - Lets you set the critical multiplier of a weapon from x2 to x4.
- Weapon Crit Range - Lets you set the critical threat range of a weapon from 10 to 20. You use the counter to set the range so a counter value of 1 would give the weapon a 19-20 crit range. A value of 2 gives it a 18-20 crit range and so on.
Download at
d20pfsrd in the
zMisc folder at the very bottom.