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Pathfinder Community Data Sets....

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Note the escaped characters in the Mac file: "chains& #151;writhing" instead of "chains-writhing", and "ghost& #146;s body" instead of "ghost's body". (I had to put a space after the ampersand to prevent these forums from parsing the characters out, but when I look at them in TextEdit on the Mac, I see them without the space.)

Eliminating the escaped characters allows the file to be compiled successfully.
Great find egg_green. It will be a little while before I can test this on Windows but if the changes don't cause any issues on the windows side I can put the fix into the data set.

If need to I can create a RegEx script to run across all the .user files to fix the issue. Will let you know what I find.

Hello All,

New Updates. :)

Latest Updates July 8, 2011

New PFRPG_Adjustments.user 7/8/2011. by ShadowChemosh. New adjustments file that holds many useful adjustments for both players and DMs. This is in the zMisc folder. This .user file adds all the following with the latest updates in blue.
  • You can now add any of the following natural attacks to any creature/race/character. Once added you can easily adjust what the name of the natural attack is and you can up or down the die size. The natural weapons added are: Bite, Claw, Gore, Slam, Sting, Tail Slap, Talons, and Wing.
    [*]The Grab special attack is added as an adjustment now. Once added the Grab racial ability will display on the character. You then select the attack this is associated to and the wording " (plus grab)" shows next to the natural attack to remind you.
    [*]Poison Attacks added. You select the type of poison ie (Natural Weapon: Poison, CON) would add a CON damaging poison. Then you select the natural weapon the poison is associated to so that the wording " (plus CON poison)" displays next to the natural attack. Then use the counter to set the die size (ie 1d4, 1d6), the (source) section lets you set the number of additional saves required. Finally the duration section lets you set the number of rounds the poison lasts for with 1 round as the default.
  • Saving Throw for each specific bonus type (ie Alchemical, Circumstance, Enhancement, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane, Resistance, Sacred and Trait). These will NOT stack with a similar type of bonus. I needed this for my own games so my players could do quick adjusts by bonus type.
  • Armor Class adjustments for the following: Armor, Deflection, Dodge, Natural, Shield, and Touch.
  • Damage Reduction adjustment that lets you either remove DR, change DR to a different type (ie from Slashing to Evil) or adjust the DR value to what ever you wish. You can also use this adjustment to REMOVE the DR of a creature. The Damage Reductions included are: -, Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Evil, Good, Magic, Piercing, Silver, and Slashing.
  • Weapon CMB/CMD adjustments. These adjustments let you add additional information to your weapons. For example lets say you have a weapon that gives a +2 CMB when doing trip. You would select the "Weapon Trip: CMB" adjustment, select your weapon, and set the counter to +2. The wording of "Trip-CMB+" will appear next to your weapon with your current Trip CMB value including the +2 from the adjustment. So if your character currently has a +10 to trip it would read "Trip-CMB+12" next to your weapon. The adjustments are the following: Weapon Trip: CMB, Weapon Trip: CMD, Weapon Disarm: CMB, Weapon Disarm: CMD, Weapon Sunder: CMB, Weapon Sunder: CMD, Weapon: CMB, Weapon: CMD.
  • Weapon elemental damage. These adjustments let you add the wording of +1d6 next to a weapon. The ones included are for: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
  • Weapon Crit Multiplier - Lets you set the critical multiplier of a weapon from x2 to x4.
  • Weapon Crit Range - Lets you set the critical threat range of a weapon from 10 to 20. You use the counter to set the range so a counter value of 1 would give the weapon a 19-20 crit range. A value of 2 gives it a 18-20 crit range and so on.
Download at d20pfsrd in the zMisc folder at the very bottom.

Ok so I have added the data set copied into the right directory and have turned it on through the configure hero. But I don't see how to add the elemental damage to a weapon as far as damage display. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Edit: Nevermind. My Intelligence knows no bounds. If I just learn how to read.
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Not sure what happened, but as soon as I downloaded and installed "CouncilofThievesv0.8(2011.11.16).hl" I ended up with the following appearing every time I load Hero Lab now. How do I fix this?

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'rachilltch' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellsen' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raLSDeathr' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellech' does not exist.

As I have never gone into the editor to do any work with it, I am unsure how to proceed with this.
Not sure what happened, but as soon as I downloaded and installed "CouncilofThievesv0.8(2011.11.16).hl" I ended up with the following appearing every time I load Hero Lab now. How do I fix this?

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'rachilltch' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellsen' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raLSDeathr' does not exist.
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellech' does not exist.

As I have never gone into the editor to do any work with it, I am unsure how to proceed with this.
Looks like you don't have Bestiary 1 or maybe 2. So a custom monster is bootstrapping a racial ability that comes from those official data packages.

Without the Official packages it's not going to load I am sorry to say. Which if you do pick those up you may wish to check out The Community Bestiay as it has the latest updates.

Note: To remove start HL and go to "Tools->Manage Third-Party Updates..."
I have purchased every package Hero Lab has put out thus far. Including Bestiary 1, 2, & 3

Looks like its my Lich Shade from Tome of horrors that's missing some specials!

The unique id rTHLichSha indicates this. I'll have a look and see if anything else is bootstrapping to it, I think there's 2 versions of the Lich Shade entered by separate people in the community files!

Edit: New unique ids for Tome of Horrors complete Lich Shade corrects errors reported by Baraccus.

Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'rachilltch' does not exist. Is now raCTChilTo
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellsen' does not exist. Is now raCTSpeSen
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raLSDeathr' does not exist. Is now raCTDeaThr
Thing 'rTHLichSha' - Bootstrap thing 'raspellech' does not exist. Is now raCTSpelLe

reload portfolio and select Lich Shade from the race selection there are 2 versions of the creature. The version with the long description that states appears in Council of thieves and Tome of horrors is the one that had missing bootstraps, but not any more ;)
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I have purchased every package Hero Lab has put out thus far. Including Bestiary 1, 2, & 3
Sorry was assuming. Are you getting this error when loading a .por or when loading pathfinder?

Either way I recommend you load up the Community Bestiary instead as it has the latest fixes and chapters for CoT AP.
It pops up when loading Pathfinder. No worries though. I just removed the update from the third party list and the errors are gone. I was hoping when I first downloaded it that all of the AP were done, but alas not. My group is in book 6 so the first 4 are no good to me now. It would sure be nice to see the Kingmaker AP completed though. Starting that in a few weeks.
My group is in book 6 so the first 4 are no good to me now. It would sure be nice to see the Kingmaker AP completed though. Starting that in a few weeks.
The CB is up to chapter 5 and I know bodrin is working on 6 but its most likely that you will be nearly done with 6 before we get it released. :(

Kingmaker is coming in the next update complements of frumple. He has a the first few chapters done I think. I am the hold up as I have not had time to merge it into the data set yet. But its coming. Really. :)
Serpent's Skull - Book 3 - missing race resource for Olujimi

Serpent's Skull - Book 3 - missing race resource for Olujimi

When I try to load the included portfolio "D1 - Charau-Ka Fortress.por", it throws an error:

One or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Olujimi'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.
Pick 'rAngazhan' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '437'
Chained pick 'fMartial' has been orphaned due to missing bootstrap in batch '437'
Chained pick 'skKnowRel' has been orphaned due to missing bootstrap in batch '437'

I have all the data packages indicated as necessary for the Community Bestiary. I do not have the data package for Pathfinder RPG Campaign Setting #4 (which includes Heart of the Jungle, the publication in which the indicated race is detailed), and if this is the source of the issue (as was the source of my earlier dilemma regarding the Diabolist class), all I can say is that while I appreciate the effort and work that has been put into the development of these resources, it would be nice to include a warning that the various portfolios included with the Community Bestiary might include picks originating from data packages not indicated as necessary (such as the Diabolist class and, if I'm correct in my surmise, the Angazhani race).

Any help in resolving this missing pick would be much appreciated, as my game is going to be in the area for this encounter soon.

EDIT: Confirmed, I purchased the data package (Pathfinder RPG Campaign Setting #4) and was able to load the indicated portfolio without incident.
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it would be nice to include a warning that the various portfolios included with the Community Bestiary might include picks originating from data packages not indicated as necessary (such as the Diabolist class and, if I'm correct in my surmise, the Angazhani race).
I agree it would be nice and I do confirm that I only am currently giving a warning about the Packages that are needed to prevent CB from causing HL to go into Safe Mode.

I am sorry but trying to check every single .por file to see what packages are needed is not something I can reasonably do right now. The only way I know to do this would be to manually disable a package and then attempt to load every single .por file to see if one gives an error. Then disable another package and do it again for every single .por file.

So for now the only warning I am giving is the required data packages that are needed to get the actual CB to load initially in HL.

I will add a warning note that opening up a .por file can/could cause additional errors if you don't have an official Package that the .por file needs.

II am sorry but trying to check every single .por file to see what packages are needed is not something I can reasonably do right now. The only way I know to do this would be to manually disable a package and then attempt to load every single .por file to see if one gives an error. Then disable another package and do it again for every single .por file.

So for now the only warning I am giving is the required data packages that are needed to get the actual CB to load initially in HL.

Develop menu... prepare portfolio for distribution.

Here's what this does:
1) Reset all sources to the current defaults
2) Turn off all paid sources that are not needed for that character.

Then, you can look at the sources list to see what ended up being needed.

I'm afraid that doesn't help track what user-created sources are needed - it'll leave all of those with their default settings, and it won't help you track which .user files depend on other files.

It may also not be able to track things if you borrow the racial ability from another race - often, racial abilities don't have a source assigned, but they're still only available in a package.

Still, hopefully this'll help with some things.
It may also not be able to track things if you borrow the racial ability from another race - often, racial abilities don't have a source assigned, but they're still only available in a package.
Thanks. When I had tried it out before it was not really working well for the Racial Specials for what I assumed to be exactly what you said above.

The editors that create the races have most of the official packages so they bootstrap from all over.

In the case above its the whole race that is missing and requires another official package. So in the exact case above it probably would work using the Prepare for Distribution. So I will keep it in mind for the future.

Unfortunately I simply don't have the time to do the above for each .por file. The number of .por files in the CB is getting pretty big now. Plus I am not even sure how even if the info got compiled would I be able to get it out to everyone. Would a complete list of every .por file and its requirements be needed or just the ones that are different from the Packages required to load. Also trying to maintain that list for each and every release would be crazy. :eek: Not including again do I put it into the thread post which is already too big for a single post. Or put it into a ReadMe file that is included in the CB? Who is going to read something that is easily going to be pages long and you have to dig it out of the Data folder?

I just don't see a good way of doing this that is not going to consume hours and hours of time for very little pay off. :(
Once you've prepared the portfolio (so it's down to the minimum sources required), you could look in the XML of the portfolio for:

<source source="([A-Za-z0-9_]*)" name="([A-Za-z0-9 '_]*)" count="1"/>

Would it be quick to write something that can find all the sources that are turned on for a selected portfolio and consolidate it into a single list?

It'd be a quick way to get the readme file you were talking about, I think.
Would it be quick to write something that can find all the sources that are turned on for a selected portfolio and consolidate it into a single list?

It'd be a quick way to get the readme file you were talking about, I think.
Hmmmm very interesting. Very interesting indeed.... :)
Well %^#% I just tried to open a bunch of the Serpent's Skull por files and a bunch of stuff has gotten orphaned... I am going to go back to the beginning of the set and try to fix all that is broke. Should take me about 1-2 weeks. :/
Thank you for relooking at Serpent's Skull, Frumple. It can't be said enough that the ongoing work in this thread is very much appreciated. Thank you Shadow, et al.
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