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Old February 4th, 2011, 10:38 PM
My choice on the Google Tablet was sheer dollar-influenced. Apple's iPad? 600 bucks. My *larger* tablet (easier on my old eyes) was 200 dollars LESS and does everything the iPad does... with less software required to run it.

Now, my choices aren't an example of what everyone wants or needs, by any stretch. I'm just one voice in the crowd. I certainly won't fault Lone Wolf for being careful in their decision. I just have my fingers crossed that they choose my platform for the software, because I'm not switching to Apple after tasting the freedom of android.

Also, I'd like to stress that I don't need a 100% functional Hero Lab on the platform to make it useful to me. I would be happy with a cheap app for reading/displaying the characters from portfolio files, I would be ecstatic for an app with the power to edit those files. The combat tracking features are something I could leave out for later editions of the software, honestly, or a secondary app.
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