Thread: Starfinder
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Old August 30th, 2017, 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by BJ View Post
Yes, we will absolutely be giving a discount! If you purchase a year subscription it's all of $24.99. We want to keep the rates as low as possible, our goal is NOT to charge a lot, we aren't doing content prices differently, it will still cost the same as Hero Lab Classic and you will have access to the Classic version as well if you want to use the files in both when possible! You buy the system once, you buy the content once. This isn't a "cash grab". We are charging a very small fee for using our service so that we can continue to provide you with character creation and campaign management services far into the future.
In the case of Starfinder that's $24.99 a year to use the data packages we bought. If we don't pay we lose access to all of it. If your server costs jump, or you just get greedy and you double or even triple that how do we recoup the money we invested in data packs? At that point you would be blackmailing / extorting us to pay whatever fee you choose or lose access to easily hundreds of dollars of data packages.

What happens if your server goes down? Do we get a refund for having to cancel our game session?

What happens when your server gets hacked? Will all of our data be backed up? Will you carry the costs to restore any identities that are stolen as a result?

What happens if your cost increases and that 24.99 jumps to 49.99 or 69.99? Will you refund the cost of the data packages if we decide to discontinue because the cost is to high?

You are forcing us to assume a LOT of risk here, with no real reward to compensate us for that risk.

Why is there even a fee to migrate to HLO? If the data packs are the same and everything is stored server side migrations should consist of nothing more then checking a box on our account page "Yes I'll pay your extortion fee to access the data I bought via your online only service"

If data sets aren't the same and you are required to run double the development for every new package, then you don't honestly expect anyone to believe you'll eat the cost of developing everything twice, with no real increase in revenue do you? So the question is how long before you stop developing new packs for Pathfinder in HLC and force everyone to HLO if they want new content?

One last thought. Starfinder would work just fine on HLC, you simply chose to use it to strong arm everyone into your HLO product.

So telling someone you're giving them a discount when you charge them an ADDED 24.99 a year for something that should have and could have been done under the existing system without that 24.99 isn't a discount, its an added fee.
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