Thread: Favored Soul
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 26

Old September 6th, 2007, 01:49 PM
I am having a heck of a time with this class. Has anyone put this class in yet? I cant seem to get it to do what i need it to do. I am going to post my .dat at the end of this, can someone take a look.

I am almost done with the class there are only a couple of things left and I cant figure them out. If you could do them for me and then post here and let me know how you did what you did I would appreciate it maybe it will help me to understand and not have to ask the question again.

I need the following added.

Weapon focus (deity's weapon the player can choose that on his own) 3rd level

5th Level Energy Resistance 10 (1st type)
10th Level Energy Resistance 10 (2nd type)
15th Level Energy Resistance 10 (3rd type)

The energy resistances can be any type of energy resistance they should get a choice of 1 of the 5

17th Level Wings - Speed 60ft Good maneuver
20th Level Damage Reduction - if lawful 10/Silver, if Chaotic 10/Cold Iron.

I think I have the rest of this but I am struggling really bad and promise to try really hard to figure this out if you can help me If someone could help me ASAP I am really stuck on this and it is preventing me from moving forward as I have other things to do like this.
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