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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Reading, UK
Posts: 79

Old June 27th, 2015, 04:11 AM
Oh actually, something I've been trying to work out, and obviously missed somewhere, is precluding various skills when you select something else.

For an example, I have a set of National Identities that starting characters can use:

<thing id="edgACNIGB" name="National Identity - British" description="The British stiff upper lip makes them incredibly resilient under even the most dreadful circumstances. Tommys add +2 to Spirit rolls made to resist Fear, Intimidation, or arcane powers. It does not add to Spirit rolls made to recover from being Shaken." compset="Edge" uniqueness="useronce">
<fieldval field="shortname" value="National Identity - British"/>
<usesource source="sepActCth"/>
<tag group="EdgeType" tag="Background"/>
<tag group="MinRank" tag="0" name="Novice" abbrev="Novice"/>
<tag group="User" tag="NeedWild"/>
<eval phase="PreTraits" priority="5000">
<![CDATA[perform #resspent[resEdge,-,1,"National Identity"]]]>

While it doesn't explicitly say in the book that people should only have one national identity or career path, I'd like to try precluding all the other careers/identities when they select one. The main problem is I don't know what future national identities or careers will be released in the future, so I don't want to have to explicitly state each and every Thing in every other Thing :/

Working on: Official Achtung! Cthulhu datafiles
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