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-   -   Please make it less clunky (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60132)

Darkduck February 7th, 2018 01:32 PM

Please make it less clunky
Good Day

I am liking HLO at the moment but it is massively clunky and fiddly to use.

Main issues -
  • Solarian Weapon Crystals are too hard to add - multiple steps when You get these in play/during scenarios - currently 4 to 6 screens to add it.
  • Attunement is messy. You need to click/change through 4 screens to alter this - something that happens at the beginning of my turn. My tables don't have time for this. And it's burried in the Bowles of a screen.
  • the combat screen does not show your weapons... thats on the equipment screen. So if I attack someone i need to go to equipment but when i am attacked I need to be on combat...
  • on your saves there is no indication that a save has other situational benefits - what happened to the asterix?
  • skills do not show any visual difference between trained only, class or non class - ironically if I print out a sheet it does.

HLO was pushed as making life easier tbh this system right now is more complicated and time consuming than other available options.

Rone February 8th, 2018 06:34 AM

Thank you for your feedback! Our dev team is fixing bugs every day and working on new features to make life easier.

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