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chaosknight199 June 22nd, 2012 08:26 PM

Bug Reports - Version 2.16
Don't think this counts as a bug or anything but when you print out you character program options like Mute, and Targeting aren't listed in Parenthesis under the form like a specialization for a skill.

Mad Hamish June 22nd, 2012 10:17 PM

Advancement mode - buying off negative quality wrong
My character got a 30 build point in debt and is trying to buy it down.
If I select Buy Off Negative Quality from advancements it applies -10 to the total karma spent.

_Pax_ June 22nd, 2012 11:23 PM

BUG: Firearms modifications; Battle Rifles

According to War! p154, emphasis mine:
A battle rifle is an up-powered version of an assault rifle. It
fires heavier-caliber rounds than an assault rifle and offers better
accuracy at longer ranges. It is heavier than an assault rifle, which
helps compensate for the added recoil of the larger round. A battle
rifle’s role lies between that of an assault rifle and a sniper rifle.
Battle rifles use sporting rifle ranges, and can take any modification
or accessory available to assault rifles.


I know War! isn't directly offered yet, but since two Battle Rifles (Ultimax 150 and Sig Sauer 574) are present in HL via Gun Haven 1, well ... :)

_Pax_ June 23rd, 2012 11:46 AM

BUG; Spell: Shape [Material]

Each separate element is a different spell (like Elemental Walls), but HL does not currently provide a way to specify which element each such spell is for.

Mathias June 25th, 2012 09:21 AM

Bug Reports - Version 2.16
(a bug reports thread for the 6/25/12 release)

Canis June 25th, 2012 10:25 AM

When you print out character sheets for Technomancers, it still says 'Mentor Spirit' and not Paragon on the header.

zeepee June 25th, 2012 04:27 PM

Hi Lone Wolf,

Love the Hero Lab for Shadowrun and have been anticipating the KarmaGen system for the tool. So I tried it out as soon as I saw it was available.

However I have found the following bug regarding Metatypes:

It looks like that Hero Lab uses some of the old rules for the KarmaGen system, from before the errata was released. For example Metatype variants are currently bought for free, instead of a Karma cost corresponding to the BP value.

Quote from older print of Runner's Companion P.42:

"Step 1: Choose Your Metatype or Other Character Race Option
First you must choose metatype or other alternative char- acter concept (i.e. shapeshifter, AI, sasquatch, etc.); there is no associated cost for metatype or race in Karma-based character generation, but the BP cost should be noted as it is important for Step 3, below. The Metatype Attribute Table (see p. 70 and p.73, SR4) or the relevant table in the section describing the new character races in this book provide your character’s starting and maximum attribute ratings."

Quote from newest print of Runner's Companion P.42 (including errata):

"Step 1: Choose Your Metatype or Other Character Race Option
First you must choose metatype or other alternative character concept (i.e. shapeshifter, AI, sasquatch, etc.); there Karma cost for metatype or race is equal to the BP cost for that metatype or op- tion (i.e. if a race costs 10 BP, in Karmagen it costs 10 Karma); the BP cost should be noted as it is important for Step 3. The Metatype
Attribute Table (see p. 70 and p. 81, SR4A) or the relevant table in the section describing the new character races in this book provide your character’s starting and maximum attribute ratings."


BlckWatr June 25th, 2012 07:26 PM

Couple of things I noticed:

1) Under the Permanent Adjustment options, selecting 'Gear Build Point Limit' doesn't adjust the amount of Gear that can be purchased before it errors out. Fortunately, this one doesn't give fits when locking Character Creation.

2) When purchasing enemies, it adds the Connection and Incidence and doubles it under the enemy heading (as it should), but it then doubles THAT number when giving you the points as bonus Karma.

For example: Generic Enemy 1 with a connection of 3 and an Incidence of 3 would grant 6 BP under that system, and 12 under the Karma build. However, it's giving 24 - giving more value than the Enemy should be worth.

This is, of course, based on my understanding on how one is granted extra point by the 'Enemies' negative quality.

Also, Enemies ranks 1-25 under the BP system, meaning it should grant 1-25 BP (or 2 to 50 Karma). It's listing 25 as the maximum that can be gained. So, on the above example, if you were to turn that enemy from a 3/3 into, say, a 3/4 (which should grant 14 total points under Karma) gives 26 points, and causes an error.

3) This one may not be related to the current build - but under Advancement, when you go to add a membership to a magical group, the tooltip tells you that, in advancement mode, the group with have a 'Join' button. The only thing I see is something listing as: (Join Group), as if it might have been a placeholder.

4) Custom Negative Qualities are also reflecting their build point value in number, but granting double in Karma.

For example, I was testing how the numbers were working, so I used 'Custom' options instead of the in-book listed. Purchasing a -1 Negative Quality gave 2 Karma points.

The only reason I even bring this up is all of the other negative qualities are reflecting their proper Karmic-based value when you review them (and purchase them).

Frankie the Formori June 25th, 2012 11:32 PM

Hello Hero Lab, having a problem with Knowledge skill given with Priority based build. According to page 40;

"Your character also gains an additional number of free Skill Points equal to twice the sum of her Intuition and Logic attribute ratings; these free Skill Points may only be spent on Knowledge and Language skills. You may also spend your normal Skill Points on Knowledge and Language skills, if you wish."

not that I am complaining but while building a human I find that it gives me 6*3 points and that it is only costing me .5 per rank.

Build details are:
Skills: B [bought Athletics skill group 4, Stealth skill group 4, Automatics 4(+2 M.P.) Blades 6 (+2 Cyber implant), Etiquette 2, Negotiations 1, Survival 2, Pilot Ground car 1,Perception 4]
Resources: C
Race: D
Talent: E

Knowledge skills I have taken: Club scene (interest) 1, Seattle area (street) 4, Seattle gangs (street) 4, Seattle shadow trivia (interest) 1, English (N), Japanese and Or'Zet 1.

On top it shows 6/18 fee skill points.

I hope I have included enough information for you. Have a great day.

Canis June 26th, 2012 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by BlckWatr (Post 85545)
3) This one may not be related to the current build - but under Advancement, when you go to add a membership to a magical group, the tooltip tells you that, in advancement mode, the group with have a 'Join' button. The only thing I see is something listing as: (Join Group), as if it might have been a placeholder.

Yeah I think this is a placeholder. When you add the group on the social page, it has an option to 'join group'. This will spent the karma for you.

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