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tHammer September 28th, 2011 05:53 AM

Complete Newbie Please help
It seems there is a giant leap from making some additions or changes in the editor to adding something like a saving throw vs. cold to a new race. I love the program but find no information on how to do this sort of thing. I have looked at the wikis and see a lot of code but no hints anywhere. I have worked through the tutorials in the editor twice.

Here's what I'm doing: I'm adding the Midnight series from Fantasy Flight Games because this is the world that my group loves to play in.

So here's what I need if anyone is willing to help:
1. Some hints about the Authoring Kit
2. Any help on the above problem or similar issues.
3. My ignorance is showing here...sorry, what language is used for programming?

Thanks for any and all help, hints and guidance.

chiefweasel September 28th, 2011 06:13 AM

I love the Midnight system and would like to take a look at it when you are done.

Since the MIdnight system is a D20 based you wouldnt need the authoring kit. The Authoring kit is for when you design a totally new game system, like trying to add a system that LW does not currently support. An example there was an old Traveller system, The New Era which used percentile. You would need the authoring kit for that, but for something like Star Wars d20 you could use the Editor.

My sugestion would be to take the Midnight system and convert it to a Pathfinder system. I suggest this for two reasons: 1) more people are playing Pathfinder now adays. 2) you could used the editor for the Pathfinder system. The editor for Pathfinder is much easier to use then the editor for D20. But you would need to own the Pathfinder data set in order to be able to access the Pathfinder editor.

Hope this helps, if not just let me know. thanks.

Dett December 26th, 2018 10:24 AM

Pardon me while I perform a little thread necromancy here. My group is reviving their Midnight campaign of old but they want to use Pathfinder rules. And of course, we all want to use Hero Lab for character/class generation. :-) Have you had any success that you are willing to share from your conversion efforts to Patherfinder HL, tHammer?

Duggan December 26th, 2018 10:35 AM

It looks like that was tHammer's one and only post over the last seven years. Just to be clear, you own the Pathfinder system for Hero Lab, and plan to use the Midnight setting in that system?

Dett December 26th, 2018 10:49 AM

Afternoon, Duggan. First, thanks for chiming in. Yeah, I knew it was a long shot with tHammer; but I took it hoping for tor the best before I started a new thread.

Yes, I own the Pathfinder rules system for HL. And, my gaming group wants to use Midnight for our campaign setting - specifically the heroic paths, races, classes, feats, and other character data. If we can find all this character data "ported" to Pathfinder, we will run the rest of the game using the core Pathfinder rules. My apologies for not being clearer about my needs in my earlier post.

Any thoughts to share with me on my quest? :-)

Duggan December 27th, 2018 05:37 AM

I'm not familiar with Midnight at all, so I can't say. You might take a look at http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=6861 for someone else trying to implement it in the general d20 system.

Dett December 27th, 2018 10:28 AM

OK, thanks for the advice Duggan. My DM says we may revert back to D&D 3.5 now...so let the adventure begin. Happy New Year!

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