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AndrewD2 October 25th, 2014 05:05 PM

Adding areas of expertise to skills
The system I'm working on has Areas of Expertise that you can add to a skill if you have 3 or more points in the skill. They add a +2 bonus to that specific bonus, and I was trying to think where I saw that before. Then I remembered Shadowrun does that with specialties.

I was wondering how they were handled? I'm guessing the action button brings up a form, but I'm not really sure how it's handled. I'm going to make the AoEs as things that are the expertise component which looks like when I glance at the editor for Shadowrun 5, but I'm just looking for an idea of how to handle these.

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 08:18 AM

Looks like I need to do the skills as gizmos to copy the functionality from Shadowrun since each skill will need its own set of picks.

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 09:17 AM

Well got a form setup (the example form in the wiki is using the panel element instead of form, so it was a little confusing). Now to figure out how to turn all the skills into gizmos.

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 12:46 PM

Made it a step further, made all the skills Gizmos, "+" button I have accesses a form called "expertise" which lists all the areas of expertise in the game.

Couple interesting things happened, since I changed the button action from form to edit now my form comes up with just ????? for the names in it.

also when I had things I get this error


Attempt to use a 'headertitle' script within a table with no valid 'headerthing' for portal '_headerui'
- - -
Attempt to use an 'additem' script within a table with no valid 'addthing' for portal '_tableadd_'
- - -
Attempt to use a 'headertitle' script within a table with no valid 'headerthing' for portal '_headerui'
- - -
Attempt to use an 'additem' script within a table with no valid 'addthing' for portal '_tableadd_'

I've been working my way through the Gizmo post that's stickied in the forums and it's helped some, but now I need to figure out how to get the form to only show the picks associated with that specific skill. I have the Expertise component pull the tag from the associated link Skill to it much like Skills in Savage Worlds pull the tag of the Attribute.

Mathias October 26th, 2014 01:31 PM

Are you asking a question, or just reporting the status of your project?

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 03:14 PM

Bit of both really, I've just been trying to figure it out on my own, but I was hoping to find out how Shadowrun Specialties worked and reporting my progress towards figuring it out so I would hopefully be answering some of the questions that might be asked of me without having to wait for further questions.

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 04:13 PM

New update, got rid of the ???? for the add item part, I noticed your comment at the end of the post about bootstrapping a simple thing.

The header still shows up as ?????? and gives me a warning about no valid headerthing but I can't find a reference anywhere to headerthing.

So where I'm at now is
1) need to figure out how to get a header for it
2) need to figure out how to limit the selections to options only available to the selected skill
3) change the name of the skill so it says SKILLNAME (+2 EXPERTISE, +2 EXPERTISE, ...)

Mathias October 26th, 2014 04:34 PM

Look on the wiki page describing the elements of a table_dynamic portal for headerpick and addpick.

AndrewD2 October 26th, 2014 05:04 PM

Aha, #1 down, added the simple thing to headerpick="" and my header shows up.

Mathias October 26th, 2014 05:23 PM

<needtag> is what Shadowrun uses for #2

For #3, debug the fields on a skill in Shadowrun, and watch how those change as you add specialties.

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