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Old November 24th, 2020, 07:17 AM
Guys, I just have to brag: the release version of the variant class features is coming along really beautifully. No more adding an adjustment to get a separate tab for each variant feature. There will be a single variants tab, where you select you want to use variant racial and/or class features. I have it dynamically building the list of options based on what class(es) are on your hero. And you can now select all the features you want to use when you’re first building the character. They’ll show up in your class feature list just like the normal ones, and anything that is being replaced will be totally hidden.

So once this goes live, you can select your features from the start and then play and level the hero as if those features were there all along. No need to revisit the variants tab every time you level to see if there’s another variant feature available to you. I’m really looking forward to getting it in your hands!

I’m thinking about making an ongoing progress thread, with links to the pre-release files in case people want to grab features, subclasses, etc. as they’re finished. I have a few specific features that my group wants to use, so I’m prioritizing those. But if there’s a particular subclass or feature anyone needs sooner rather than later, let me know so I can prioritize it too.

Found an issue with or have a suggestion for the 5e Community Pack? Please post it here at our GitHub.

Feel free to stop by the Lone Wolf Development Subreddit, for discussion of any and all LWD products and community efforts!
Fenris447 is offline   #841 Reply With Quote
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Old November 24th, 2020, 01:40 PM
Oh wow, that’s really impressive!
Brolthemighty is offline   #842 Reply With Quote
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Old November 24th, 2020, 02:56 PM
Great Job...
jbearwillis is offline   #843 Reply With Quote
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Old December 1st, 2020, 10:58 AM
Holy Crap, good job!
Enforcer84 is online now   #844 Reply With Quote
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Old December 7th, 2020, 09:31 AM
I've got the class variant features and spells from Tasha's completed and uploaded. Note that the files also have some of the racial variant features included, but they are not complete. If you want to grab the files, head to my branch on our GitHub to find them.

Files to download/copy/replace:
Once you've got these all downloaded or updated (see instructions below), you'll want to choose either the Tasha's source or the new "Show Tasha's Variants Tab" options in the Configure Hero screen.
  • COM_5ePack - Helper Things.user
  • COM_5ePack_TCoE - Spells.user
  • COM_5ePack_TCoE - Variants.user
  • COM_Source_110 - Optional Rules.1st
  • COM_Source_110 - Sourcebooks.1st
Optional Files
The PHB file makes the new Primal Companion play nice with the original Beast Master; if you don't choose to update it but still select the new companion feature, the both the old and new companions will be added to the character. The SCAG spells just update them to the new versions from Tasha's/Errata.
  • COM_5ePack_PHB - Classes.user
  • COM_5ePack_SCAG - Spells.user
Copying/Updating the files
Click on each of the files at the GitHub, then open the same file on your computer in Notepad. If the file doesn't exist on your PC yet (like the files with TCoE in the name), you'll need to make them first. Copy the full text from the GitHub version and replace the entirety of the file on your computer. Save that file.

I found a bug/mistake/problem!
Great! This is prerelease material, so the more we find, the better. Tell us as much as you can by logging an issue at the GitHub.

Found an issue with or have a suggestion for the 5e Community Pack? Please post it here at our GitHub.

Feel free to stop by the Lone Wolf Development Subreddit, for discussion of any and all LWD products and community efforts!

Last edited by Fenris447; December 8th, 2020 at 05:57 AM.
Fenris447 is offline   #845 Reply With Quote
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Old December 7th, 2020, 07:33 PM
Thank you so much for the work you do here.
Aftermath is offline   #846 Reply With Quote
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Old December 11th, 2020, 04:08 PM
After over a year, the release Artificer is finally done! Or at least, ready for you all to download and find bugs. Follow the instructions in this post for how to download pre-release files and report bugs. Follow the link there to my branch on the Github and download COM_5ePack_ERFLW - Artificer.user to try it out!

EDIT: As a heads up, I'm probably going to overhaul how infusions are handled, to make sure we can limit the number of active ones per the rules. So don't get too attached to the preview version! The next version will likely cause errors on Heroes using the one on my branch currently.

EDIT 2: Okay, the file has been updated again. Infusions are now a separate tab. But it properly sets up what Infusions you know versus which ones are active. Pick which infusions you want to learn from the top list. Then pick which of those infusions are active on you, and which are active on an ally. Unlike before, this now properly limits the number of active infusions, while also keeping things clean when they're not on you. It's pretty snazzy. But I expect there are still bugs I haven't found. So please test it and let me know what you find! Also be aware that the Armorer is finished, but it'll be released with the rest of the TCoE subclasses, as they're all in one WIP file currently.

Found an issue with or have a suggestion for the 5e Community Pack? Please post it here at our GitHub.

Feel free to stop by the Lone Wolf Development Subreddit, for discussion of any and all LWD products and community efforts!

Last edited by Fenris447; December 14th, 2020 at 07:01 AM.
Fenris447 is offline   #847 Reply With Quote
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Old December 16th, 2020, 09:44 AM
Amazing work Fenris447
Enforcer84 is online now   #848 Reply With Quote
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Old December 28th, 2020, 03:23 PM
I'm happy to report that the Community Pack version 3.0 is very close to release! For the full list of what's been done so far, check out the Pending Changes page on the Github.

Here are the highlights:
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything - Subclasses, spells, feats, sidekicks, racial variant features, and class variant features are all in.
Artificer - Yes, it's finally finished and working. All sublcasses, features, infusions, etc. are good to go.
Vehicles - Ghosts of Saltmarsh ships, Avernus infernal war machines, and Acquisitions, Incorporated airship and mechanical beholder are all in.
Source and Adjustment Reorg - The sources in the Configure Hero screen and the list of Adjustments on that tab have been reorganized to be easier to find and more logically ordered.
Lots of other goodies - Hiding duplicate things, reworked versions of half-implemented features, firearm proficiency, and more!

There's a few more things I want to try and finish up, like Spell Adjustments (such as Mage Armor) and a full review of all lists for duplicates and un-sourced material. But I'm hoping we can have this out within the next week or two.

Release 3.1 will be focused on Monsters and Items, as we're way behind on those. If you have any preference for the items and/or monsters in a particular book, let me know so I know what to focus on!

Found an issue with or have a suggestion for the 5e Community Pack? Please post it here at our GitHub.

Feel free to stop by the Lone Wolf Development Subreddit, for discussion of any and all LWD products and community efforts!

Last edited by Fenris447; December 29th, 2020 at 07:39 AM.
Fenris447 is offline   #849 Reply With Quote
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Old December 28th, 2020, 05:53 PM
Fenris447 that is Awesome news, thanks so much for your hard work, you are a god among men.....
jbearwillis is offline   #850 Reply With Quote

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