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Old February 19th, 2013, 12:02 PM
Getting Support, Reporting Bugs:
Q1: Where do I report a Hero Lab software issue?
A: If the issue is related to Hero Lab software or license issues, not pathfinder the game, you can send an email to

Q2: Where do I report an Offical Pathfinder game issue?
A: Pathfinder bugs, related to Feats, Spells, Classes or Archetypes, are now reported through a web link that has a Sticky post at the top of this forum. Or click HERE to report your issue.

Q3: How do I report an issue for one of the Community Packages or something you download from d20pfsrd?
A: You can report it to THIS thread or send an email to me at shadowchemosh (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Q4: How do I report an issue for Frog God Games Tome of Horrors or Razor Coast?
A: Even though you purchased this through the Hero Lab website Lone Wolf does NOT support this software. You can report the issue through their support website HERE or send them an email to deepcavefrogs (at) gmail (dot) com

Q5: How do I report an issue for one of the Rite Publishing Packages?
A: Rite Publishing has a support site located HERE.

Q6: How do I report an issue for Kobold Quarterly Packages?
A: KQ can be reached by reporting the bug on Kobold Press community page for Facebook ( or else send an email to koboldpress (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hero Lab Resources:
Pathfinder - d20pfsrd and Pathfinder Pack Setup
3.5 D&D (d20) - Community Server Setup
5E D&D - Community Server Setup
Hero Lab Help - Hero Lab FAQ, Editor Tutorials and Videos, Editor & Scripting Resources.
Created by the community for the community
- Realm Works kickstarter backer (Alpha Wolf) and Beta tester.
- d20 HL package volunteer editor.

Last edited by ShadowChemosh; September 26th, 2016 at 07:49 PM. Reason: Added KQ information
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