Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!
Wave 2 for Armada is released. As usual, once I have my ships in hand I'll finalize the wave as quickly as possible and push an update. The Massing event let me get far ahead on content and I've just been waiting for my ships to double check some card details and scan in the cards that weren't directly spoiled by FFG.
For X-Wing, the only new items are for the Assault Carrier. If I have the time before the holiday season (and after I push Armada's update), I'll get the Assault Carrier spoilers in when all the articles are finished. Otherwise, I'll get them in once I have the ship in hand.
Wave 2 for Armada is released. As usual, once I have my ships in hand I'll finalize the wave as quickly as possible and push an update. The Massing event let me get far ahead on content and I've just been waiting for my ships to double check some card details and scan in the cards that weren't directly spoiled by FFG.
For X-Wing, the only new items are for the Assault Carrier. If I have the time before the holiday season (and after I push Armada's update), I'll get the Assault Carrier spoilers in when all the articles are finished. Otherwise, I'll get them in once I have the ship in hand.