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Which Changeling books aren't done?

How about the other way around:

Which books have been included in their entirety, and which have partial support?
If you check the source books when you create a character, you should see the books that are included in the package.
If you mean the little checkboxes on the right when building a character, they aren't arranged by book. If you don't, well, a look through the menus reveals no book list. Maybe I missed it somewhere.
I'll check my system, but the checkboxes should list the source materials used to create the files.

It might be that what is there is all that LW can produce based on the license they have. it might be that user created content is the way to go, but i know there are a limited number of people who use HL for WoD and even less that would like to get into the coding of the materials.
I think the Changeling is bought material, so I can't check it directly, but there's usually an informational button at the left which gives expanded descriptions of the material such as which source book it came from.