We have also found some open rules questions about how to calculate and apply class DCs for cases other than simple single-class characters without archetypes, and we have not been able to find answers for them.
For example, Dessicating Inhalation, which is on Book of the Damned pg. 53, in the Mummy archetype, uses class DC. So is a mummy cleric untrained in class DC, and will have a useless DC if they take that feat, but a mummy fighter gets a normal DC calculation for this? Or is there a typo, and the feat was supposed to say class DC or spell DC, like the Mummy's Despair feat on the previous page. If that mummy cleric also had the fighter archetype, so is trained in fighter DC, can that be used, as the best available class DC? (but then, this is a 12th level feat, so having only trained proficiency is still pretty weak).
What ability score is tied to the proficiency in a class to determine the final DC, for the archetypes that specifically grant training in a particular class DC? Do you use the character's key ability score from their main class, or pick one of the allowed key ability scores for the base class that corresponds to that archetype?
If you're using the Dual-Class PCs rules from the GMG (pg 192), how does that affect this? Do you just have two class DCs, and anything from a particular class that uses class DC uses the appropriate class DC, but something like the mummy feats would use the better of the two available class DCs? Or on an alchemist/fighter level 9, the alchemist DC has increased to expert, but the fighter DC is still trained (and won't hit expert until 11th level) - can you use your alchemist class DC for fighter feats?
Or is all of that beside the point, and even though it's often called "Fighter class DC" or something like that, there's really only one class DC statistic per character, and you just use the best available key ability score (in the case of the dual class rules), and the best available proficiency level?