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It's not working? I've already built characters and imported them into Fantasy Grounds.

(Obviously using tools I made myself, that I'll make available at a much later time)
I can't even log on to demo the program. I put in my license number and my Email as the PW and it still doesn't let me in.
I can't even log on to demo the program. I put in my license number and my Email as the PW and it still doesn't let me in.
Um what license number? HLO uses a user id and password. Did you register for a user id and password?

Go HERE and at the bottom click the 'Create Account'. Then you can demo and if you want to purchase you can log into the store with your account to add Starfinder.
I can't even log on to demo the program. I put in my license number and my Email as the PW and it still doesn't let me in.
To expand on ShadowChemosh's comment: Hero Lab Online and Hero Lab Classic (desktop) use completely different licensing setups. Hero Lab Online and Realm Works share accounts, so if you have a Realm Works account you should be able to log in to HLO with that. Otherwise you need to create a new account for Hero Lab Online.
So, is the interface web portal up to the standard of HLC yet? Able to add custom portraits yet? Adjust the Character Sheet HTML? Save the character on one's own computer? View the file offline?

Or is it still in Beta?
So, is the interface web portal up to the standard of HLC yet? Able to add custom portraits yet? Adjust the Character Sheet HTML? Save the character on one's own computer? View the file offline?

Or is it still in Beta?

I don't think those questions are all mutually exclusive to a single version. The program is released for players and is not Beta, however the functionality you are asking about does not exist yet, but that doesn't imply that the application is not functional. It just means that there may be features that are yet to be released that you have interest in.

Saving to ones own computer is working though, you can print to pdf the character sheet which is savable to your pc.