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SR 5th ed. When will the official errata on Technomancer Complex Forms arrive in HL?

first item says, yes.

New print run of the SR5 core rule book should be hitting stores shortly. CGL has changed printers for this release to help address some of the issues noted with the bindings in previous print runs. As well, this should incorporate the latest and greater Errata. An updated PDF will be released as well.
Thanks. I just hadn't noticed an update notice on OneBookshelf, but if they're trying to sync up the pdf and book releases there, that's a thing.
Any word on them adding this to the HL SR 5th edition ? We haven't had a SR update in awhile. Looks like they are all on the Hero Lab Online train.
This would be a big deal to me too. I'm big user of HL for both Pathfinder and Shadowrun and really could use the Technomancer updates. From manchuwook's inputs, it must be a simple change that someone can do in a day.