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What does this error message mean?


I created a new spell. When I try to use it, I get this error message:

"Live state of gizmo 'CustSpell' is being tested during phase 'Testing Global Tags' at priority 0 by pick 'Transfix' (spTransf7) before live state of parent pick 'sCustomSpl' is resolved"

I didn't do anything different than I do with any other spell I've created. I have no idea how to fix it.
Is that error during "Test Now"? It sounds like a timing issue - your checking/calculating something too early. Can you post the user file / code for that spell?
I'm confused as to why your 'CustSpell' is a gizmo?
Is that error during "Test Now"? It sounds like a timing issue - your checking/calculating something too early. Can you post the user file / code for that spell?
I'm confused as to why your 'CustSpell' is a gizmo?
No, it appears when I prepare the spell from my spellbook. If it's a timing issue, it isn't from anything I've done. The spell has no scripts whatsoever, beyond anything that is inherent to making a spell. All I added were fields and tags. You'll have to ask the software why it's a gizmo. As I said, there is nothing that I did that is any different from dozens of spells that work fine.

I've attached the file it's in. The spell in question is Transfix. It happens with both spTransf6 and spTransf7


I have no idea what's happening - unless something else on the Hero conflicts someway. I don't see anything that's a problem in the user file (at least not with Transfix). If you exit and reload, does the same thing happen?
I HAVE seen odd errors that didn't make sense with certain Heroes when selecting something in the past and I usually just ignored it. That's the only advice I can give at this point.
No error occurs when your file is dropped into a pathfinder game folder (no community content) so the error isn't with your spell. That said, you could delete and try to create it fresh to see if that fixes it. Another tactic is to take a look at the timing report (Develop --> View Timing Report) to see if there are more clues there.
I've played with it some, but it remains confusing. Transfix is now working right, though I didn't change anything. I did find that the spells work just fine if I prep them unmodified; the error only shows up when I go to attach a metamagic feat. But every spell I create now has the issue, though it's only the most recently created spell, which leads to the first workaround I've found.

I ran the timing reports for both portfolios, and they don't seem to relate in any way to those portfolios. I don't have any idea what the report is supposed to be. It's just a long, long list of pretty much every ability available in Hero Lab. Looking through the forum, I found something that says that the only thing that really matters is the stuff at the very top, but that doesn't actually help here, since what it says at the top is:
<document game="Pathfinder Roleplaying Game">
<unknowns> </unknowns>
<duplicates> </duplicates>
<errors> </errors>
so it doesn't help at all.

I tried my first idea for a work around by creating a new spell, dummy spell, which has nothing at all in it. At first, this didn't help. So, I started adding tags one at a time. It turned out that the cause of all of this is when I add a Source for the spell. After compiling with just that change from the last version, the error message showed up in dummy spell, and the second to last spell I'd created worked right.

So, it seems like there is a conflict between the metamagic system and Sources. That doesn't make any sense to me, especially since it only applies to the most recently created spell.

I don't know if any of that helps or is useful, but I thought that I would report it.
I can't replicate the error on my end. To do that I'd probably need a copy of your entire data folder. My guess, though, is it's some sort of internal error caused by a weird corner case. I do, however, see a couple things that could be contributing:

Is your source defined somewhere in a separate file? For example:

<usesource source="JMNConv" parent="UserParent" name="JMN Conversion Spells"/>

I don't think this is necessarily the problem, but it could be a factor. It doesn't have to be defined in a separate file, I just don't see it defined here.

My other thought is the id replacements. If you're replacing a spell that is replacing another spell, and so on, that might cause some issues. A potential workaround would be to remove the Replaces Thing Ids from the spells you created, and instead put them into General -> Hidden. This will hide the original spell, which produces the same end result.