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Version 2.8 of the 5th Edition SRD files for Hero Lab is now available!


Staff member
Version 2.8 of the 5th Edition SRD files for Hero Lab is now available! This release adds material from Kobold Pres as well as bugfixes.

Midgard Heroes Handbook
Tales of the Old Margrave Players Guide

New releases
  • Midgard Heroes Handbook from Kobold Press is now available! Explore the realm with new races, class options, feats, and spells!
  • The Tales of the Old Margreve Player's Guide from Kobold Press is now available! New class options, backgrounds, spells, and magic items from the ancient woods!

Bug Fixes
  • The soulforging spell was missing its duration.
  • The witch bolt spell had an incorrect duration.
  • The paladin's lay on hands ability wasn't resetting with a long rest.
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I need to mention an important limitation on the two new books we've released in this update. Unfortunately, because Apple is no longer letting us update the iPad app, we cannot tell Hero Lab about new purchases that are available, which means that the content from those new books cannot be used on characters built on the iPad version of the 5th edition files, and if you transfer a character who uses the new material from the desktop to the iPad, that material will be removed from the saved portfolio. We're very sorry about this limitation, but the only alternative we have is to not update the 5th edition files at all. We are still trying to negotiate with Apple to be able to release updates again.

I submitted a bug about the half casters and cantrips today. No idea if it'll ever happen.

My only idea about it is to create a dummy "1st" level for the Artificer class. It will grant nothing, and the whole class would have to switch all its features to be granted 1 level higher than usual. It wouldn't work if you use XP for levelling and/or if you plan to get to level 20. But otherwise, the math would then work out to grant the proper level of spell slots and access to cantrips.

Effectively, a level 3 Artificer at the table would be a level 4 Artificer in Hero Lab. Mathematically, the RoudUp(3/2) = 2 = RoundDown(4/2).

It's not a good solution. And I probably wont pursue it unless LWD comes out and says they wont help us with a round-up half caster. But it's the best we got right now.

Edit: It would totally throw off proficiency bonuses. Duh. Can’t do it.
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sounds like it may be fallout from their not updating the clients to 64bit maybe.

The client has been updated to 64bit for some time - nothing to do with that. Read higher up this thread for what's actually happening. We can only guess the real why, but forum suspicions have mostly relating to Apple wanting money.