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Version 2.16 of the Shadowrun files are now available


Staff member
A new update of the Shadowrun files is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

This update adds the Priority System and the Karma System alternate character creation methods from Runner's Companion, for everyone who owns the Runner's Companion package.

I wanted to bring something to the attention of those using the Karma system. We've made some changes to the point cost of the attributes, and therefore some changes to the total karma available, based on this email exchange we had with Jason Hardy:

1) The cost of increasing an attribute with karma increased from "new rating * 3" to "new rating * 5" with the publication of the 20th anniversary edition. Does this also change the cost of an attribute when buying it in the karma system method from runner's companion? If so, should the default karma build points for the karma system go up slightly, since the attributes have increased in price?
JMH: Yes, the cost of attributes in the KarmaGen system should change from 3 times rating to 5 times rating. Here's how I do the math--going from 3 to 5 is an increase of 66.67 percent. You can spend up to half your 750 karma in KarmaGen on attributes (with the addition of the build points for metatype, but I don't think that affects this), meaning you can spend 375 on attributes. If we increase that by 66.67 percent, we get 625. We add that to the other half of the karma and we get 1,000 karma to start with. But we also should tweak the amount of karma you can spend on attributes. Instead of only being able to spend half on attributes, you should be able to spend 62.5 percent of your karma (plus the metatype adjustment) on attributes. Make sense?

Here's the complete change list for this update, copied from the FAQ:

Enhancements & Changes

  • Added the Alternative Character Creation: Priority System from Runner's Companion.
  • Added the Alternative Character Creation: Karma System from Runner's Companion.
Bug Fixes

  • Free Spirit PCs and AI PCs were not marked as forbidden for Shadowrun Missions Play.
  • Drakes were reporting errors if they selected the Fly skill.
  • Subsonic rounds were altering the range of the weapon they were in, regardless of whether they were loaded or not.
  • Improved Ability (Non-combat) was not functioning if added through the "New Adept Power" advancement.
  • Skills added through the Add new Active Skill advancement were not showing up in the list of skills that a specialty could be added to.
  • If the Show? checkbox on an agent was not checked, the selection in the "Running On" menu was ignored.
  • Advanced Lifestyles > 30 lifestyle points were reporting errors.
  • A shapeshifter with the Ambidexterous quality would report errors while in animal form.
  • During advancement mode, the price you were asked to pay for a vehicle mod whose cost depended on one of the vehicle's attributes was being calculated incorrectly.
  • Templates on possessing spirits were not functioning correctly.
  • The Perceptive quality was not adding dice to the assensing skill.
  • The Enhanced Perception adept power was not adding dice to the assensing skill.
  • The Genecrafted quality was reducing essence costs by 20% instead of reducing nuyen costs by 20%.
Data File Authoring

  • Added a Priority tab to the editor so that users can define new choices/modify the existing choices that are available to those using the Priority Alternate Character Creation System.