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Version 2.1 of the 5th Edition SRD files for Hero Lab is now available!


Staff member
Version 2.1 of the 5th Edition SRD files for Hero Lab is now available! This release adds new material from Fifth Edition Feats from Total Party Kill Games. Over 150 feats add new options for heroes.

For users looking to pick up the new package, you can find it here:

Fifth Edition Feats

Here's the full change log for this release:

What changed in version 2.1?

New releases
  • Over 150 new feats from TPK Games are now available in the "Fifth Edition Feats" package!

Enhancements &amp Changes
  • If you have proficiency with the same skill or tool from two different sources, you're now prompted to choose an additional proficiency of the same type (tool or skill) on the Skills tab. The duplicated skill/tool proficiencies are listed in the "info" button above the tool / extra skill proficiency tables.

Bug Fixes
  • Purchased mounts were being prompted to choose a class.
  • The camel, elephant, draft horse, and pony mounts were missing their minions.
  • The background ability description for a custom background wasn't being shown on a printed character sheet.
  • Spell slots were being calculated incorrectly for characters with multiple spellcasting classes.
  • Warlocks were not available as a selection when setting up a custom monster's spellcasting
  • The "Add Days" downtime button didn't appear on the iPad.

Data File Authoring
  • Backgrounds with the Helper.Obsolete tag are no longer shown in the list of available backgrounds.
I don't get any more feats on my iPad.

I've updated, completely closed the app, started it again, and chosen the "TPK Games - Fith Edition Feats" on the "Choose Hero Settings" page.
I don't get any more feats on my iPad.

I've updated, completely closed the app, started it again, and chosen the "TPK Games - Fith Edition Feats" on the "Choose Hero Settings" page.

You'll need to purchase the "Fifth Edition Feats" package, then reactivate your license. (The "Fifth Edition Feats" source should be greyed out until you do so, but it's remaining selectable because of a bug. :( )
You'll need to purchase the "Fifth Edition Feats" package, then reactivate your license. (The "Fifth Edition Feats" source should be greyed out until you do so, but it's remaining selectable because of a bug. :( )
Colen as I tell my programmers all the time. We DO NOT have Bugs. We have "opportunities". :D :)
You'll need to purchase the "Fifth Edition Feats" package, then reactivate your license. (The "Fifth Edition Feats" source should be greyed out until you do so, but it's remaining selectable because of a bug. :( )
As a pretty new user, I'm a bit confused. Why are the Feats not included with the 5e license purchase?
The feats mentioned above are not official. They are a 3rd party product. You need to install the community pack. See my signature. Due to legal restrictions enforced forced by Wotc hero lab cannot provide all the player hand book stuff so the community does it for everyone.
Try raise a support ticket and explain the confusion.

This is what you have bought btw in case you want to learn more about it.

Now for the community pack. Watch this.

If you have it installed and still can't see the Feats you likely don't have the PHB source seletected on your character. The Community Pack is all categorized by source book and each character needs to enable the sources it's allowed to use (Ctrl-K).

Once you have the sources selected you should really see the tool flex its potential.
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I use HeroLab on a Windows computer and tablet, not on an iPad. Where can I access the "Add Days" downtime button? I found how to add the Downtime tab via the Optional Rules section of the Configure Hero menu, but that only lets me SPEND downtime days. I need to add them first.

Also, the "General Hero Lab Support & Community Resources" link in dapunk's signature appears to be broken.
I use HeroLab on a Windows computer and tablet, not on an iPad. Where can I access the "Add Days" downtime button? I found how to add the Downtime tab via the Optional Rules section of the Configure Hero menu, but that only lets me SPEND downtime days. I need to add them first.

Add a Downtime Project, then add a Downtime Journal entry on the Downtime tab - you'll then be able to spend days of downtime on that Project.
Just downloaded and purchase HeroLab for iPad but i'm missing info


Not sure if this is the right place to post this question or not but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I just purchased HeroLab for my iPad so i can run my stats for DnD but after i created my Wizard I'm not seen the different types of Arcane Traditions. It only shows the School of Evocation. Is it that i dont have the correct update installed? Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you,