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Vampire: The Masquerade

v20 is the 20th anniversary, it is the old world of darkness Vampire the Masquerade set. IF you want to update it to Requiem, you will need to go to drivethrurpg or some similar site and get a copy of the Vampire Translation Guide.
Hey, I would like to use it, but I do not know how. How can I change the templates? Can i change the clans? Can I add new bloodlines? Please, help me.

When I open Hero Lab there is no WoD folder in C:/Program Files/Hero Lab. There is docs (commom, help, kit, manual, redirect and tutorial whitin) and product. Please, help because I want to use the masquerade.
Darkholme - First off: WELL DONE. Your contributions to the community are greatly appreciated with the data set! I am glad to see there are those "Grognards" out there who still share a passion for this amazing game!

My question to the those following this board, is this: Has anyone come up with a VtM revised data set? I am getting ready to run a chronicle via a web forum, and it would make my life so much easier if it were available? Or is the main focus now the VtM 20 anniversary? If anyone knows of a created data set, please reply via PM or here in the thread.

Much thanks!
Like any good Giovanni, I am going to work some thread NECROMANCY and ask a question that I, sadly, suspect I already know the answer to...

Has anyone come up with data files for V20? Is it on anyone's radar?

I have zero interest in VtR, but reading through my V20 PDF has me all giddy over this system just like I was with VtM 20 years ago.

My gaming group is spread over the country, so electronic tools like HL are a big deal for us.

Am I smoking crack in the vain hope that someone is even contemplating bringing the V20 rules into HL?
Like any good Giovanni, I am going to work some thread NECROMANCY and ask a question that I, sadly, suspect I already know the answer to...

Has anyone come up with data files for V20? Is it on anyone's radar?

I have zero interest in VtR, but reading through my V20 PDF has me all giddy over this system just like I was with VtM 20 years ago.

My gaming group is spread over the country, so electronic tools like HL are a big deal for us.

Am I smoking crack in the vain hope that someone is even contemplating bringing the V20 rules into HL?

At this point you'd likely have to rebuild the data files from scratch. Unless Paradox Interactive decides to get talking about renewing the hero lab license it would have to be a scratch built file.

I have the skills to do it, but I'm already busy cranking on Exalted right now.