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User Content Bug Reports

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Good idea I meant to do this and kept forgetting. This thread is ONLY for Community Created 3.5 D&D data set.... Thanks.

Where would you like bugs reported?

I'm having trouble with the Obscure Lore feat (Complete Adventurer): it doesn't recognize my cloistered cleric as having the Lore ability.

Edit: I entered the Editor and found the Pre-req section....I just have NO IDEA how to indicate that it should allow the cloistered cleric through.

Or, is the cleric wrong and Lone Wolf's devs need to bugfix the class so that it has a "Lore" tag or something?

Aha! I added a line once I figured out the Cloistered Cleric's Unique ID (cCClLore) and it no longer shows that I don't meet the requirement!

....Sadly, it also doesn't add +4 to my Lore ability, and I can't see where you'd increase Lore by +4 in the data file. :(
OgrePuppy is the Cloistered cleric an official class in HL or part of our data set? I am just not sure myself.

Let me know if you can and I will have some time this weekend to take a quick look at this. Just remember if you make any changes directly to Lawful_g data set those changes will be overridden in the next update.

If you do fix this please send me the .user file you changed with a quick note of what you changed and I will have it put into the next release. You can email me at ShadowChemosh(at)yahoo(dot)com.

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The Obscure Lore feat from that data file has no eval script which is why there is no change to the abilities.
@Sendric - I'm not sure what an eval script does (nor how to "program"/code it) but I learn pretty quickly, as I was able to figure out how to add the Cloistered Cleric to the feat pre-reqs. Give me some pointers and I might be able to kludge together some scriptage...

@chiefweasel - The cloistered cleric is an official, albeit alternate, class in HL.
Well, I'm certainly no expert. The best advice I could give is to go through the same file (CAdv - Feats) and click through each feat. On the right there is a button marked "Eval Scripts". Look for feats that have a number next to that (x1, x2, etc) and click on it. These scripts are used to change the character in some way. Some scripts you can find by searching this forum, others you can find by duplicating a similar ability/feat/etc (use New (Copy) in lower left in appropriate tab). The important things are Phase, Priority and the script itself. I don't really know how to determine what Phase and Priority should be other than by copying what others have already done. I'm sure there's some write-up about it, though.

BTW, I went to copy in the Natural Bond script as an example, and I think that one is wrong. I don't believe it takes into account the bonus to the effective druid level cannot exceed the character's hit dice.

This is the script I use for Pathfinder, and it appears to work for D20 as well:

var bonus as number
bonus = #totallevelcount[] - #levelcount[Druid]
bonus = minimum(bonus,3)
hero.childfound[cAnimComp].field[CompLevel].value += bonus
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BTW, I went to copy in the Natural Bond script as an example, and I think that one is wrong. I don't believe it takes into account the bonus to the effective druid level cannot exceed the character's hit dice.
I am pretty sure your right I noticed that when I was going through the data set making changes. I can go ahead and add that script to the Feat for release 1.1. Thanks Sendric.

@OgrePuppy - Including what Sendric said the best I can say is to start by finding feats and abilities that are similar to what you need to do. Then modifying existing scripts. Its how I started and pretty much everyone else. Eventually you just get more and more familiar with how HL works and it does get allot easier. Currently I actually find it pretty fun actually. Only thing else I can say is start small with changing classes or doing new feats. Doing a whole 20 level class can be a little intimidating at first.
Hey, got this bug worked out. Made a single Lore ability for all future things to add to. Should be in the next update.
Not a bug, an observation, there are 2 definitions of the Elven Thinblade weapon. One in Races of the wild and one in Compete Warrior.

Spotted the thread on the Corellon Larethian PrC which referenced both sources, if it's not been done already maybe they need editing into one item instead to avoid confusion!
The one that seems better described. I'd presume the complete warrior version as it's updated to v3.5, I think RotW is a 3.0 book but I don't have it in front of me at moment so can't check!
The one that seems better described. I'd presume the complete warrior version as it's updated to v3.5, I think RotW is a 3.0 book but I don't have it in front of me at moment so can't check!
I am pretty sure both CW and RotW are v3.5 books. I would need to check but I think RotW came out later/after CW so by standard methods one should use the later source(ie book) to be the most accurate. At least that is how WoTC said Errata should be handled.

Is their any real mechanical differences in the data set for the two Thinblades?
RotW is indeed newer, and it has a more detailed description.

Complete Warrior:
Lightblade, Elven: This rapierlike weapon is the size of a short sword, but weighs only as much as a dagger. Dexterous elf fighters and rogues favor it. Its thin, flexible blade slips easily into the seams of armor or between the ribs of a foe. Some elf nobles carry a lightblade - often decorated with intricate filigree and tiny gemstones - as a sign of their station, even if they aren't proficient in its use.

Races of the Wild:
Sword, Elven Lightblade: This rapierlike exotic weapon is the size of a short sword but weighs only as much as a dagger. Dexterous elf fighters and rogues favor it. Its thin, flexible blade slips easily into the seams of armor or between the ribs of a foe. Some elf nobles carry a lightblade - often decorated with intricate filigree and tiny gemstones - as a sign of their station, even if they aren’t proficient in its use.

Characters proficient with the elven lightblade may treat it as a rapier or a short sword for the purpose of any of the following feats: Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization.
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I agree with the more recent text is correct and supersedes older text method. The Races of the Wild version is better worded so that should be the only instance!
I posted an error Here yesterday by being my usual blind self and not seeing the user content error thread that had been stickied.

at the moment I'm guessing lawful_g is the only one who can shed some light on the subject, cross post here is simply for completeness (so it can be found later if needed)
Psychic Warrior and Wilder Powers????

I entered some custom Psionic powers from Races of the Dragon earlier today.

However on testing the data on a character I've discovered that the Wilder class is showing Psychic warrior powers!
However the Psychic Warrior powers do not show the Wilder powers, which is quite odd!

There are only 4 powers with 3 different incarnations each, one for the Psion, one for Psychic Warrior and one for the Wilder, all the data for each class is entered correctly in the editor but I've got duplicate powers showing in the selection screen!

I've tested standard powers that have all three classes for one power form the SRD psionics "Catapsi" being a good example a level 5 power for all three classes and that only shows one copy for each correct class.

Cannot figure out how this is so! Screen attached and Zip file!

Note Evade Breath is a Psychic Warrior 2 and a Wilder 4 power both show under the Wilder Class!


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Whoops. I already detailed some changes I made in the other thread here, so I'll just summarize. I think the problem has to do with setting the Psion Discipline. Unless its a discipline power, don't set that option. I've made some changes to the file, and it seems to be ok now.

Edit: I've attached the file with my changes. Try it out and let me know if it's working ok for you.


Hmm, I have selected Complete Mage as Source material but I'm not seeing the Ultimate Magus on the "level up" class list. Just Blood Magus. :(
Was the Ultimate Magus accidentally left out of this latest update or was "Ultimate" simply a typographical error?
Opps my bad. Ultimate Magus is in WIP for release 1.3 by Bluephoenix. I guess I merged release notes together by mistake.

I'm also wondering now why I have two entries for Scout on the class list. ;)

Otherwise very happy,
Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer
I am sorry I can't duplicate this issue. I went to my Release 1.2 game system and activated every book source. Then went to add a class and only found scout listed once. Do you happen you have your own version of Scout maybe?
Opps my bad. Ultimate Magus is in WIP for release 1.3 by Bluephoenix. I guess I merged release notes together by mistake.

I am sorry I can't duplicate this issue. I went to my Release 1.2 game system and activated every book source. Then went to add a class and only found scout listed once. Do you happen you have your own version of Scout maybe?

D'oh! :o

Yup, I did have a Custom Made Scout Class lurking in my Custom Made Things file from long, long ago. I should've checked that first before I mentioned it here.

I've let the Ultimate Magus player in my group know the "it's a work in progress" news. :)

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer :)
When creating a Duskblade I found that it gives me bonus 0 level spells known for high int mod, which will never be used.
Yep this is true to the class. You could actually have access to more cantrips than the class actually provides. Think its pretty easy to do to with like only a 16 Int.

Will add it to the do-list to take a look at quick.

Thanks for the report.
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