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Tyrant Bug


Well-known member
Bug: Imperial Ships, Tyrant

1. If the 30cm weapons are selected oyu cannot chosoe to take a nova cannon.

2. if you select 45 cm weapons the strength should be 10 (its shown as 8)

3. if torps are selected you cannot take 30cm weapons.

Source: Ships of the Gothic Sector page 110

"... can replace thier 30cm range weapons batteries with 45 cm range weapons batteries... ... can also replace its prow torpedoes with a nove cannon..."

Thus the weapons upgrade is seperate from the torp / nova cannon upgrade. And the strength isn't reduced for taking longer range guns.
Thanks a bunch for the report! Sorry been a little out of the loop with starting a new job but I'll get those in the next version update. No ETA at the moment.