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two questions about printots


New member
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:22 pm Post subject: Army builder v3 questions


i just bought army builder v3 and have the english files. I have two questions

1) I have clicked on the display abilities option to show abilities description in the army start up and no ability description comes up on the computer ot the print out where are the descriptions

2 Spell description for power range difficult etc are displayed on the computer but not on the print out (only the spell description

i was wondering if i am doing something wrong havent clicked an option or is this the program

1. Yeah, I've only started that. There's a lot of abilities to type, and I'd rather spend my time putting in new units right now. However, after GenCon I'll probably get back to typing, typing, typing.

2. That's also something that took me a bit to figure out. I thought it would print both descriptions on the printout and it doesn't so I'll need to go into each spell and copy the "stat line" into the description...more tedium I've put off.

BUT! ! !, I will have an update with the new Cadwallon units sometime this week, I'm thinking Tuesday.


PS. Rag-Narok will be coming soon! I think I've finally managed to get a setup that works and isn't too difficult for me to maintain. I've got the Devourer, Ophidian, Cynwall and almost the Griffin armys in to date.