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tomb kings - Icon of Rakaph


Well-known member
a user sent me this bug report

Perhaps I was not doing things correctly but I was unable to put an Icon of Rakaph into a Skeleton Warrior unit. It’s a bit of an odd item because only Tomb Guard and Skeleton warriors can take it. But for Skeleton Warriors to take it, it must be given to an Icon Bearer because the item itself costs more than 25pts.

so according to the rules, this item may not be taken at all!! skeleton warriors can only have a magic banner of up to 25 points, and 40 is too much! ! does anyone know the answer to this question, when can the icon of rakpah be taken?[/quote]
This is from the DireWolf FAQ. Whether this is official or not, I dont know:

Q. Can an Icon Bearer take the Icon of Rakaph? The description of
the item seems to indicate it may only be used by Tomb Guard
and Skeleton Warriors.

A. Yes, the Icon Bearer may take the Icon of Rakaph. This is
actually the only way that Skeleton Warriors can benefit from it
(Skeleton Warriors may only have a banner that is up to 25 points
and the Icon of Rakaph is 40 points).
S. Tomb Kings Army Book page 39 / Direwolf FAQ Council

... and from the GW Forum Q&A:

Q. Can a Battle Standard Bearer take any standard, even those that can only be taken by specific units? For example, can an Orc Battle Standard take a ’goblin only’ banner (though the effects will only work if he joins a unit of goblins)? Or can an Icon Bearer take the Icon of Rakaph (which is Tomb Guard or skeleton warriors only)?
A.The restrictions apply to the bearer. So, an Orc Battle Standard cannot carry a Goblin only banner. However, an Icon Bearer can carry the Icon of Rakaph as he is effectively a Tomb Guard character.

Does this clarify anything ??

thanks, i guess those make sense. so i will make it be taken by skeleton warriors, tomb guard and the icon bearer