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Well-known member
So we got to use the sheets in play again this weekend and for the most part things went smoothly. I do have some suggestions from my players:

1) Can you make the step chart at the bottom a little taller. They had a hard time reading it.

2) Can you have the sheet account for tracked resources or at least have the equipment show how many items are in a stack? They didn't know how much ammo they had at some points.

3) I know you haven't had the chance yet to do it (and I don't mind doing it for you if it would ease up some of your time), but the perks and flaws don't show up. If I typed them all in, would they show up?

4) Does it count the cybernetic slots? I didn't see it keeping track of them. Is that still something you're working on? I know you said that you weren't sure how you wanted to implement them.

5) Special abilities would be nice to show up on the character sheet.

6) They really liked the layout overall. A few times there were things that slipped to the next page that they didn't like but I told them that's a flaw with HL and there's nothing you can do about that (I've seen it happen with Pathfinder and Mutants and Masterminds so I know it's nothing you can do).

This has really gotten me interested in Alternity again and I'm bringing 6 new players into the game because of this. Thank you for all your work. It's been really helpful for getting the game going.

Thanks for the comments.

1 - Hmm. I think I tried it a bit bigger but then it got distorted and didn't look as good. I can play around with it some more.

2 - My thinking here was to do the in game tab as you can track ammo that way. But I do need to get that to print out on the sheet.

3 - Hmm. On the perks and flaws. Have to take a look at that as they are working for me. Do you have an example of one that doesn't work?

4 - No, I did not implement cybernetic slots. It's on the todo list.

5 - I have played with this a lot. I think it was early and I haven't revisited it as I have some ideas how to make it work. However, I want to make sure we are on the same page. What special abilities are you wanting to show up?

6 - Yes, darn it. Or, at least, I haven't found a way to control things beyond page two. It seems to be all auto handled? Yet their Shadowrun print outs would indicate otherwise. But that's low priority at the moment!

Very awesome that you are introducing more to Alternity! That's awesome! I hope they enjoy it.

My schedule is looking tight for the next month. October is shaping up to be quite busy. I will keep everyone posted on what I get done, though, as usual.



Thanks for the comments.

1 - Hmm. I think I tried it a bit bigger but then it got distorted and didn't look as good. I can play around with it some more.
If you shorten it and make it taller that might help.

2 - My thinking here was to do the in game tab as you can track ammo that way. But I do need to get that to print out on the sheet.
I can see that since ammo takes up a lot of space. Even if it's just a box that says how much you have and an empty box next to it so you can track it, that would be useful.

3 - Hmm. On the perks and flaws. Have to take a look at that as they are working for me. Do you have an example of one that doesn't work?
I think they're working but I meant to print out what they actually do so that the players know when they apply. Right now they are no descriptions.

4 - No, I did not implement cybernetic slots. It's on the todo list.
Cool. This is an easy one for us to do on our own for right now.

5 - I have played with this a lot. I think it was early and I haven't revisited it as I have some ideas how to make it work. However, I want to make sure we are on the same page. What special abilities are you wanting to show up?
Things like species abilities and any special abilities from professions or skill ranks (that may be something a long way off). Just the descriptions. For example, the t'sa's natural armor doesn't show up at all.

6 - Yes, darn it. Or, at least, I haven't found a way to control things beyond page two. It seems to be all auto handled? Yet their Shadowrun print outs would indicate otherwise. But that's low priority at the moment!
I haven't seen the Shadowrun stuff. I know that if you created your own character sheet you could have more control. I have no idea how to do that and you have a lot already to do so this isn't a priority.

Very awesome that you are introducing more to Alternity! That's awesome! I hope they enjoy it.
So far they are enjoying it. The character sheet really helps them out quite a bit. Because everyone is using the same sheet, they are able to help each other out too.

My schedule is looking tight for the next month. October is shaping up to be quite busy. I will keep everyone posted on what I get done, though, as usual.
No problem. Mine is getting chaotic because I work in health care and it's cough and cold season plus flu shots. This means I am really tired when I get home. I then go from this to the holiday season (I work in a retail pharmacy) so I expect to be exhausted. I will keep plugging away slowly on getting the books entered for you though. Anything that I can do to lighten your load I think is a good thing.


No, thank you. You're doing a lot of hard work that I don't understand at all. It's because of you that I can get a decent game going.
Glad to help you have a game!

A few points. I played around with the step chart in several previous releases. Basically, there was no good way that I found to put the graphic out there that didn't distort it in some unreadable way. I might need to make my own, if I can, and put that on the sheet.

As for wording, I haven't put much out there and have a lot of "descriptions go here" due to copyright law. I'm not sure how much I can share before I would be breaking that, and so fell back on that as my default description. If I can ever include more, I will!


I really don't know as I'm not a lawyer. If you are using it for yourself, it's fine.

I should expand on that. It's my understanding that you can do whatever you like for your local stuff. If you enter the descriptions from the books, you can use it for yourself. That's why I had the place holders.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

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