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Street Magician Background


Well-known member
I have made a custom background for my campaign. Everything is working well so far. I want to give the background the bonus cantrip Prestidigitation. I bootstrap it, under 'Tags' I 'Group ID' ClSpecWhen and 'Tag ID' 1, but I do not see it populating the PC. What am I doing wrong?
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I do see it printing out on the Spells page of the Dossier, but it is still select-able as a cantrip when choosing spells and is not listed under "Spells and Powers" Bard spells known.
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Okay, so I added Bootstraps for Helper/Free, Helper/Cantrip, and SpellType/cHelpBrd and now it is showing up under 'Spells & Powers', but it is still available to be selected as a spell.

Any thoughts on that?
Okay, so I added Bootstraps for Helper/Free, Helper/Cantrip, and SpellType/cHelpBrd and now it is showing up under 'Spells & Powers', but it is still available to be selected as a spell.

Any thoughts on that?
Upon waking up, I saw that the bonus cantrip was also showing under the Class spells tab; which it had not been before. I can live with it this way if need be, but I would still prefer it if that spell was no longer in the list of spells to select from.

Currently, I am at a loss on how to get that done...
New Issue

Testing with non spell casting classes (i.e. Barbarian) and it is not showing anywhere on the printed dossier. I would like for the cantrip name to appear under "Special Abilities" or "Other Spells & Powers". There is a "Feats, Bonus Spells" section under "Other Spells & Powers" that would be perfect for it to appear at but I am unsure how to get it to print there. Also, I would need the cantrip's description to appear somewhere on the dossier.

Any thoughts?
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I fixed it.

Instead of bootstrapping Prestidigitation with Tags Helper/Free, Helper/Cantrip, and SpellType/cHelpBrd, I used the Tags Helper/SpellLike and Usage/AtWill. The cantrip description is now printing in the Dossier under "Abilities and Gear" and on the first page of the character sheet under "Racial Spells and Spell-Like Abilities". It took a while but a success none the less.

As it is now not showing under the class spells tab in the character creation and is still available as a spell option, I would like to figure out how to either:
1. Get the cantrip name to populate there
2. Have the cantrip unavailable as a select-able option, either by not being in the list or greyed out.

I have thought about looking at the spell itself to see what check it makes to see if it has already been selected but I cannot seem to find it.


Adding back the Tags Helper/Free, Helper/Cantrip, and SpellType/cHelpBrd in the Bootstrap solves my issue
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