Okay, traditionally in editor you put in a number for Number of Powers and another into Starting Power Points. Both are fields under the Arcane background tab.
So in Beasts & Barbarians (and a few other settings) there are little 'micro' arcane backgrounds (my term).
EDGE: One example would be the Edge edgBBPoisoner. (under the Edge tab)
Now I do have a little script on the Edge to reflect the correct starting power points in the display:
Traits 3100
So I can figure out what the value should be.
ARCANE BACKGROUND: So I made an arcane background arcBBPoisoner. (under Arcane background tab) But cannot fill in the field Starting Power Points. They are based on an Attribute and Rank. So how does one write a script to calculate and fill in the appropriate field?
So the trick is how to take the script above and values and turn into something that would work on the arcane background and assign those starting power point.
Whew, this was a long question and I hope I made it clear enough. And yes, I did look at code for Power Points Edge but couldn't see how to apply it in my situation off the top of my head.
So in Beasts & Barbarians (and a few other settings) there are little 'micro' arcane backgrounds (my term).
EDGE: One example would be the Edge edgBBPoisoner. (under the Edge tab)
He can use the poison Power with Smarts as arcane skill, and has a number of Power Points equal to half his Smarts die plus 1/Rank. So, a Seasoned hero with Smarts d8 has 4+2=6 Power Points, which can only be used for the poison Power.
Now I do have a little script on the Edge to reflect the correct starting power points in the display:
Traits 3100
var powbonus as number
powbonus = (hero.childfound[attrSma].field[trtFinal].value)
debug powbonus
var ppoint as number
ppoint = ((herofield[acRank].value + 1) + (powbonus))
debug ppoint
field[livename].text = field[thingname].text & " (PP: " & ppoint & ")"
So I can figure out what the value should be.
ARCANE BACKGROUND: So I made an arcane background arcBBPoisoner. (under Arcane background tab) But cannot fill in the field Starting Power Points. They are based on an Attribute and Rank. So how does one write a script to calculate and fill in the appropriate field?
So the trick is how to take the script above and values and turn into something that would work on the arcane background and assign those starting power point.
Whew, this was a long question and I hope I made it clear enough. And yes, I did look at code for Power Points Edge but couldn't see how to apply it in my situation off the top of my head.