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Siren Player race


It's been a little while since I got on to my Herolab. When I got on today, I saw that in the list of choosing a race, a Siren showed up. Where is that? I went through all the community pack files to find it but couldn't. Did that get added to the srd or something? I don't want a Siren to be on the list of playable races, how do I get rid if it?
It's from Plane Shift: Ixalan. Looks like I messed up and forgot to add its source tag to it, so it shows up regardless of whether you have that source selected. It'll be fixed in the next Community Pack release.

In the meantime, you can fix it by opening COM_5ePack_MtG - Ixalan.user in the editor, going to the Race tab, selecting the Siren, clicking on the Edit button by Sources, selecting the Ixalan source, saving, and reloading Hero Lab.
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