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Scrolling Within Frames Without Using the Scroll Bars

Just got and used RW and like what I see :D. I have, however, found that scrolling inside each of the panels/frames/sections is a bit clunky.

While scrolling does work, it needs to be more intuitive. Currently, when I move my mouse over the left panel and try to scroll, it does not work. I first need to click within the frame by selecting an object/item which changes the current content view.

MS Outlook allows scrolling everywhere without having to click within a panel. This is how RW should work - if I am currently focused on the RW application window, then scrolling should work everywhere where panel contents is longer than the panel itself.

This looks to be a promising application!
I noticed this too, and for me it is about wheel scroll support, which I was going to say would be most welcome, but now I notice that it has been implemented. Thanks!

I also noticed in the most recent upgrade that when I drag the scroll bar of the left panel it sometimes doesn't let me get to the bottom items, and then pops back to the middle. I also can't click in the "groove" of the bar to move the scroll bar down. Sometimes it takes me several attempts of careful fiddling to get the scroll bar to allow me to see the bottommost several items of the "Other" category. (Though now wheel scrolling will let me get there more easily).
shavamir, I feel your pain. I have this problem too (can't get to the bottom by clicking the scroll region of the scroll bar if you are near the bottom)