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Savage Worlds Bug Reports

I just pulled up a new creature I'd created in the editor in the program, and the -4 Charisma modifier I'd put in the editor is only coming up as a -1 in the regular character interface. My guess is it's probably related to the bug where higher Paces don't display properly (which, by the by, it'd be nice to get fixed someday).
I just realized I can't find a reference to that bug in here, so maybe I brought it up on the board but didn't actually formally report it here. If you pull up a creature in HL (for example to build a custom enemy) the Pace will initially show low by about three. If you pull it up again, it will partly or fully correct this. The Charisma modifier does the same thing (I just checked it to see). I haven't checked, but I'm betting if I test it, the Parry modifier will do the same thing.
In Fantasy Companion none of the non-Human Racial Edges appear to check for the existence of the Racial Edge "Adaptable" which should allow a Humanto take any of those other Racial Edges.

The edge 'Florentine' always applies the effect regardless of the status of the in-play checkbox. It shouldn't add the +1 to fighting when it is unchecked.
In the printout/summary of the character the charisma modifier does not appear with the Persuasion/Streetwise skills. But the Healer Edge bonus does show up for healing.
There is a bug when you sell items. The money for buying uses a decimal place. However, if you are to sell an item (remove the item, add money to the character) it does not allow for the decimal place. Only whole numbers.
OK, those three are covered... Although I'm verifying that the third didn't break anything.

Dartnet, I'm not sure what you mean about SPC 2nd and Arcane Backgrounds... Is there something there I missed in the book that prevents it?
In SPC2ed all other Arcane Backgrounds are not used (page 7). What I am asking if we can have an option where those edges are not precluded so I can use the edges and hindrances from the SPC2ed with other Arcane Backgrounds.

Oh yes and the Weakness (Sunlight) ability for the Dhampyr in the Creatures of the Night (Horror Companion) prints the wrong text. It should say -2 to all trait rolls in sun or UV light.
I would love to be able to have a character have both the Super Powers AB and a normal AB. The Super Powers can be used for more than just a "regular" AB, it can simulate a race, godlike powers, "Mythic" from Pathfinder, or whatever. I can totally understand why the other Arcane Backgrounds preclude one another but Supers uses a different Power Point total altogether.

Another thing is Age. It is limited to 99 years, my guess is that it is due to a limitation in the size of the field, or at least perhaps it originally was. It should be able to have several digits. I do not think that it prints out at all anyway, so why limit it?
Here are the bugs I have found so far with the update:


Exoskeleton dose not give the +2 steps to Strength. Looking at the code in the editor it appears that it needs to be equipped as gear can not be equipped it doesn't work right.


Attribute Increase: This should be allowed to up an attribute more than once.
Skill chip: Same as Attribute Increase with a limit of 4 per single skill.
Trait Bonus: Can only be allocated to a single trait once.
It looks like all 3 of these are the opposite of what they need to be when it comes to how many times they can be allocated to a Trait.


Adaptable: This Edge gives another Racial Edge of the player's choice.
Barbaric Blood and Scamper: Both still can not be taken by only take Adaptable. It looks like there is still a pick req that requires the base Race (Half folk or Half Orc) for both edges.
Exoskeleton - oops, I'll need to set it up as Equippable....

You can purchase Attribute Increase more than once and apply it to the same Attribute.
For Skill Chip you have to select the Bonus level on the purchase screen, it affects the cost.
Trait Bonus is only allowed once per Trait. Per the book "This represents a host of various devices that add a flat +2 bonus to any skill or attribute (but only once per Trait)."

Adaptable - my fault, I misunderstood the complaint.
I'll check the other two while I'm at it.
Skill chips. Ohhh that is wicked cool sir you are a master at your art.

When I buy more than one Attribute increase and apply them to the same attribute I get this warning.

Cannot have an Attribute Bonus in the Same Attribute Twice.
50 Fathoms and Deadlands Noir won't mark themselves as download completed. I keep downloading and importing them, but that exclamation mark never goes away.