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Savage Rifts (SWADE)


Well-known member
Creating a new thread to specifically cover the SWADE version of the files.

There have been some (I hope) improvements in the way some things are handled and aside from the issues present in the core I think I have the TLPG working. I definitely would be interested for folks to help me make sure. :)

PM me or shoot me an email (tcarknight AT yahoo DOT com) is can give me this hand.

Is there a way to load a deluxe data set still so that I can use the Deluxe Rifts files? I downloaded the data files, but it errors out when loading the Savage Worlds Game, so I can't even use them when in Deluxe mode.
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The Deluxe material is all still in there. Just go into the Configure Hero window and unclick Adventure Edition. That will re-enable all the Deluxe Edition material for that hero.
Ok, I found a prior post where TCArknight and downloaded the fixed file and replaced it. Thank you for answering me though CC.
With the launch of the Savage Rifts: Europa (and some free time), I've dived back in to the SR for SWADE files! I've picked up a few tricks here and there so I'm going through what I had and reworking my previous "spagetthetti-ness" of code...

So far, here's where things stand after review/rework:
Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide - complete (tentatively) With the latest SWADE files the Mystic works well. :)
Tomorrow Legion Field Manual - complete (tentatively) Including the elementals and vernulian commando as Creatures
Savage Foes of North America - Skelebot available as creature will probably concentrate on the PC-facing options and do a few creatures here and there as I go along

Skelebot (Heavy Weapon)
Skelebot (RL)
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 8, Running Die: d8, Parry: 6, Toughness: 17(7), Current Strain: 0, Max Strain: 4, Size: 0
Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor), Vow (Major - Obey programming and Coalition commands)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Fleet-Footed, Rock and Roll!, Steady Hands, Two-Fisted
Gear: Unarmed Strike d8 (Str), CR-1 Rocket Launcher d10 (4d6, 100/200/400), CV-213 Varialble Frequency Laser Rifle d10 (4d6, 24/48/96), Vibro-Blade (Retractible) d8 (Str+d8), Armor (+7), (6x) CR-1 Reloads
Special Abilities:
• Armor (+7, +3 Toughness): Natural defenses
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken, doesn’t breathe or eat, immune to Disease and Poison, ignores 1 point of Wound penalties
• Fearless: Immune to Fear effects and Intimidation.
• Sensor Suite: +4 to Notice checks or to offset Shooting penalties; ignores Illumination penalties, detects chemicals and radiation, +1 Shooting.
• Weapon Mount: Robot has integral weapons.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Copyright © 2004-2020 by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.

WC - Test Mystic
Iconic Framework: Mystic
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6+2, Faith d8, Fighting d6, Notice d4+2, Occult d4, Persuasion d4+2, Psionics d6, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 6, Running Die: d6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 5, Current Strain: 0, Max Strain: 6, Size: 0
Hindrances: Cautious, Overconfident, Suspicious (Minor)
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background: Miracles, Arcane Background: Psionics, Danger Sense, Major Psionic, Master of Magic, Power Points: Miracles, Streetwise, Telemechanics
Powers: Detect Arcana; PP: 0Blind, Deflection, Healing; PPE: 15Illusion, Relief, Speak Language; ISP: 20
Gear: Unarmed Strike d6 (Str), C-14 "Fire Breather" Assault Laser Rifle d6 (4d6, 24/48/96), C-14 Grenade Launcher d6 (By Gren., 18/36/72), Holy Symbol (Silver) d6 (Str+d4), Climbing Kit, Compass/Inertial Mapper, Emergency Kit, Fire starter kit, First Aid Kit, Flashlight and Radio (five-mile), Holy Symbol (Silver), Hunting/Fishing kit, NG-S2 Survival Pack, Sanitation kit, Two-person tent
Special Abilities:

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Copyright © 2004-2020 by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.
I want to see about getting something available for folks to hammer on/play around with by sometime this weekend. What I had for other books is an iffy 50%-ish complete/workable I want to review those a bit more...

Please, Please, drop me a note here or in PM if there is something I need to really, really take a look at. :)

I didn't get an opportunity to go through and prep for a release. I got into a deep dive of what I had done already, and realized I had a lot more than I thought.

Currently, I have nearly all of Arcana and Mysticism in, as well as Empire of Humanity. The biggest thing I found I have is the working of the Intelligent Construct build process. And, as an example,

WC - Shemarrian Renegade

Intelligent Construct

Iconic Framework: Intelligent Construct

Attributes: Agility d10-5, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12-3, Vigor d10

Skills: Athletics d10-5, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8-5, Intimidation d8, Notice d8+4, Persuasion d8, Riding d8-5, Shooting d8-5, Stealth d4-3, Survival d10+2, Taunt d8

Pace: 10, Running Die: d10, Parry: 6, Toughness: 23(10), Current Strain: 0, Max Strain: 10, Size: 1

Hindrances: Pacifist (Major), Wanted (Major - Anyone seeking its technology.)

Edges: Ambidextrous, Attractive, Danger Sense, Fleet-Footed, Two-Fisted, Very Attractive, Woodsman

Gear: Heavy Rail Gun d8-5 (4d12+4, 100/200/400), Retractable Hand Claws d8-5 (Str+d6), Unarmed Strike d8-5 (Str), Crusader Heavy EBA (+8; Environmental Body Armor), Natural Armor (+4)

Special Abilities:

• Advanced Senses: In addition to the improved sensory capabilities (ignore Dim or Dark Illumination penalties, record sensory feeds), the Construct has advanced senses such as thermal, infrared, radiation, motion, radar, sonar, and so on, giving it 360-degree awareness ignoring Illumination penalties and conferring a +4 bonus to Notice rolls.

• Artificial Intelligence: The Construct is a product of advanced design but is not “alive” in the traditional sense. The Construct cannot access PPE or ISP. It may take the tech-based Weird Science Arcane Background, but cannot take Gifted or one which uses PPE/ISP.

• Bulky Frame: Size +1, +1 Toughness. The Construct is about 7 – 8’ in height or length (like an orc, donkey, Combat Cyborg, or motorcycle). This makes it difficult to operate Power Armor and vehicles not fitted for its Size. Armor and Vehicles must be customized, doubling purchase and repair costs. Operating uncustomized vehicles imposes −1 to all Trait checks, including firing vehicular weapons.

• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken, doesn’t breathe or eat, immune to Disease and Poison, ignores 1 point of Wound penalties, and Wounds are fixed with Repair instead of Healing with no “Golden Hour”.

• Core Directive (Major): Requires a Major psychology-based hindrance (Pacifist (Major) or Vow (Major) for example)

• Inorganic: Normal cyberware does not work on Constructs. They may not take cybernetics or roll on the Cybernetics Hero's Journey Table.

• Legs: The Construct has Pace 6 and d6 running die.

• Lifelike Android: Without careful and detailed examination by a skilled investigator with advanced equipment, it is impossible to determine the Construct is not an organic creature.

• Malfunctions: Constructs are subject to breakdowns when put under extreme stress (i.e. Technical Difficulties).

• Outsider (Major): −2 to Persuasion rolls

• Standard Vocal Unit: The Construct has audio, visual, and other sensory abilities roughly comparable to the average human—though it cannot truly experience the flavor of food or the caress of a loved one in the traditional biological sense.

• Technological System: The Construct was constructed solely using hyper-advanced technological means. Its power system is compatible with the same power outlets used to charge E-Clips and electrical vehicles. The Construct must spend one hour recharging each day. The Construct is fixed with the Repair skill.

• Wanted (Major): Once its true nature is discovered, many powerful factions will hunt down the Construct for disassembly and study, slated for immediate destruction, or sold to the highest bidder.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com

Copyright © 2004-2020 by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.
Needless to say I'm anxious to get this out to folks, so I may have it out as a "Black Friday Bonus!!!!" :)