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Retainer Merit


New member
I have been playing with this program for VtR for a while and have editted in a few of the bloodlines, disciplines, merits, and devotions as I come across them. However, I have hit a bump. The Advancement of a character will not allow the purchase of any Retainers beyond the initial. Is this something that can be fixed or would it be best to edit the Retainer merit so it reads Retainer #2, Retainer #3, etc? Editting the Retainer merit this way starts to cause a few problems with Covenants like the Invictus where only the first Retainer is half-priced. Let me know what you think...thanks.

At 02:47 PM 2/27/2008, you wrote:
I have been playing with this program for VtR for a while and have editted in a few of the bloodlines, disciplines, merits, and devotions as I come across them. However, I have hit a bump. The Advancement of a character will not allow the purchase of any Retainers beyond the initial. Is this something that can be fixed or would it be best to edit the Retainer merit so it reads Retainer #2, Retainer #3, etc? Editting the Retainer merit this way starts to cause a few problems with Covenants like the Invictus where only the first Retainer is half-priced. Let me know what you think...thanks.
Retainers should have been setup such that you can purchase multiple distinct retainers, much like allies and contacts. This should now be fixed in the data files included with V2.0.
Much appreciated. I will be playing around with the new features on this including the kewl little feature of minions being attached to the character. thanks.