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Red Mantis Magic (Prepared vs Spontaneous)


Active member
Hey all,

I'm about to run Prey for Death where all the PCs will have access to the Red Mantis Assassin Dedication and I'm a little confused on how Basic Red Mantis Magic works in HLO.

If I understand correctly, Basic Red Mantis Magic grants the following:

gain the Cast a Spell activity,​
gain the Basic Spellcasting benefits,​
prepare 2 common cantrips from the divine spell list (or any other divine cantrips you have access to, or spells from the Red Mantis magic school)​
When I apply this feat to a qualifying character, HLO sets up the Red Mantis Magic as though it were repertoire / spontaneous spells but I believe it should be set up as prepared spells. The feat shares the same language as the cleric dedication feat, (as opposed to say the bard dedication).

Which is correct?

I assume I'm missing a fairly obvious rule somewhere?
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Lost Omens World Guide is explicit that Red Mantis spellcasting is prepared, using a spellbook like Wizards do.

I'd use the Bug Reporting system to report it.
LOWG is now outdated, RMA was updated in Prey for Death to be more normal prepared spellcasting.

That said, yeah it's currently set as spontaneous casting, so that's a bug. Don't worry about a bug report, I'll log it.