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Recover a Save-Crash File?


Well-known member
My character profile crashed about an hour ago, it turned from a .por file to a .LWDTEMP file, am I able to recover this, please help me.
The portfolio file is just a ZIP file with a renamed file extension. I've used various tools to look inside the portfolios previously.

Depending on how far it had gotten, the .LWDTEMP is probably the ZIP file that HL was creating as it exited — most applications don't want to accidentally overwrite an existing portfolio, so they write to a temporary file and once that has succeeded, they'll rename the original file somewhere else, rename the temp file as the portfolio, then delete the original file that was renamed. All of that just to ensure that the user can get their data back if something fails along the way.

All of that said, you might be able to rename the LWDTEMP file so that it ends with .zip and then see if the data is recoverable using any of the various ZIP recovery tools. Just be sure to save a copy of the original LWDTEMP file somewhere in case it's necessary.