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Question about 4th edition


I was looking at Hero Lab as an alternative to the online character builder. As I understand it, you have to buy Hero Lab AND have an active DDI subscription to download data?

Is this a one-time thing or do you need a continually active DDI sub to use Hero Lab?
It is a one time thing, since the DDI is not longer updated, you only need to run the program once (it will take some time) and then check the threads for patches ect. Not all the content is here since some things did not get added to the compendium, to note this uses those files and not the ddi character build FYI. There is another group that has fixes and add on material for HL 4E. i will post this find the link and then post that :)
The main person working on most of the material is cryptoknight, he is a great guy and works very hard to keep the 4E files running smoothly. There are a few other that help out at the site as well. Reading through the forums is the best way and checking his site helps HL 4E running.
Hope I have helped you.
Oh yea Welcome as well