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Problems with License Reassignment


New member
So I had to reset my iPad back to factory settings. And the new license I bought for it wouldn't reassign to the same tablet once I reset it, saying I needed to wait 120 days.

So I asked for a reassignment override, and if I look at that particular license, it looks like that was done. But I still can't activate Hero Labs on my iPad.

I have a second query in on this, and we are about 24 hours after the fact now, and still no resolution. Since this was initially requested on Saturday, can we get an expedite on this? I was hoping to be able to use my tablet for a game on Thursday evening.


Andy Christian
Andy, I just responded to your case. If you have any other questions, please respond to my email. Thanks!
Thanks for the prompt reply Liz! I'll let you know how it goes when I get home from work in a couple hours.