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Pictures and permanent adjustments

Evil Curt

I'm baaaaaaack...er.... anyway, here I'm gone for a while, and when I come back the whole she-bang is changed! I like it, I like it! However, I'm having a problem finding the "portraits" that replace the black silohette. (In personel?)section. Another thing...I'm using the mirrors book, so some of my players have used their "Magic Character beans" to increase their ststs. fine and dandy. So, I used the "Add permanent adjustment" button before with no problems, but I can't seem to makke the thing work now. I go to add or delete and it does'nt seem to make any differance. I go back to the character sheet and the adjustment just seems to go up and down without the "red highlght" still showing on the upper tool bar...
I hope this is'nt a payback for that time I stuffed my pet zombie down the garbage disposal:eek: any help guys? thanks
Okay, and how does one get the picture to print on the character sheet? I couldn't find that in the options for the WoD sheet.
chrmanMa0 asked this question before ... wait a minute ... it's here and the post is from June 22nd 2010.
Unfortunately s/he got no reply.
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Download the Hero Images File
(update, if necessary)
click on the portrait silhouette and choose picture

Gads.....Where is the "hero images file"? I did an update, Okay, I did find the proper update. Had to D/L the thing twice, but it works okay. Thanks Guys!! but I'm still trying to figure out the "Permanent Adjustments" thing....
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There is currently no support for including portraits on the WoD character sheets. The WoD sheets are handled very differently from our other game systems, and they need to be completely overhauled to integrate the character portraits. Why are they different? Because WoD was the second game system we supported and we hadn't standardized on the approach we now utilize. In addition to the time to overhaul, we'll also need to get approvals from WoD on the changes, which is generally a very lengthy process. So our plan is to wait until we add support for customizing character sheet output in V3.7 next year. At that point, everyone will be able to customize the output the way they want.
With regards to the permanent adjustments, I just did a quick check and everything appears to be working correctly. So I'm probably not understanding the problem accurately. I'll outline what I'm doing and you can then tell me where I'm confused.

1. I go to the Personal tab and click the "Add Permanent Adjustment" option at the bottom.
2. I select "Attribute" and then click the "Add & Close" button. The new adjustment appears in the list.
3. In the droplist for the adjustment, I select Dexterity. The adjustment value defaults to zero at this point.
4. I look at the "Key Rolls" summary panels on the right and see the various traits that are based on Dexterity, along with their current values.
5. Next to the droplist, I click the right-arrow button to specify an adjustment value of "+2".
6. I look back at the "Key Rolls" summary panels and all the various traits based on Dexterity are properly adjusted.
7. If I reduce the adjustment bonus to a negative value, all the various traits are properly adjusted downwards.

So what am I missing here? It sounds like something isn't being handled properly, but I'm not seeing it.
I've tried to reply 3 times now...hmmmmm When I made the perm adj. I did'nt notice any changes to the right of screen... I made an adj to Stamina and saw the "Health" go up or down, but the upper line (Attributes, Skills etc.) stay red for validation errors. I'll go mess around some more and come back with what I find... Thanks Folks!
I'm still having problems with the perm adj. The perm adj seems unresponsive. i.e. if I have too many dots in Stamina, the perm adj just seems to move the stat up and down, plus, I still get validation errors. (The Attributes area is still 'Red' etc.) does this make sense? Thank You again!
I can't figure out what could be going wrong for you. Everything appears to be working correctly on my end. So there must be something special with the character you've created that is causing the permanent adjustments to not work. Please email me a copy of the saved portfolio where this problem is occurring so I can investigate it further. You can send it to helpdesk at wolflair dot com.