I'm baaaaaaack...er.... anyway, here I'm gone for a while, and when I come back the whole she-bang is changed! I like it, I like it! However, I'm having a problem finding the "portraits" that replace the black silohette. (In personel?)section. Another thing...I'm using the mirrors book, so some of my players have used their "Magic Character beans" to increase their ststs. fine and dandy. So, I used the "Add permanent adjustment" button before with no problems, but I can't seem to makke the thing work now. I go to add or delete and it does'nt seem to make any differance. I go back to the character sheet and the adjustment just seems to go up and down without the "red highlght" still showing on the upper tool bar...
I hope this is'nt a payback for that time I stuffed my pet zombie down the garbage disposal any help guys? thanks
I hope this is'nt a payback for that time I stuffed my pet zombie down the garbage disposal any help guys? thanks