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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Pathfinder for Hero Lab Online

We don't have a date set yet, but we'll definitely let everyone know once we're getting towards the ballpark.
I have no inside information, but it would not surprise me to be told that the sudden announcement of Pathfinder Second Edition has necessitated a lot of recalculating development schedules.
Isn’t Pathfinder 2.0 still in early testing? I think that will likely need a lot further refining befor commuting to creation of the online tool to support character creation.
I have no inside information, but it would not surprise me to be told that the sudden announcement of Pathfinder Second Edition has necessitated a lot of recalculating development schedules.

There is almost a year and a half before they need to have PF2 ready, I am in the middle of a half a dozen AP plus I want to play Return of the Runelords, so PF1 is in my future for a while though I will be buying PF2 for HLO and soon as it is available too.
Sorry, everyone, I hate to crash the party. The reality is that while we hope for a lot of things and we think we will be ok getting them done, we are still working on restructuring our game plan for the next few months. It's not solid just yet. The good news is, I expect to know more after some meetings next week that will allow us to give you a better roadmap for the future. Fingers crossed! :)
BJ is the one to talk to for announcements and such, but she is already getting geared up for PaizoCon, I imagine.
I'm just a peon, man. Neither party to BJ's meetings nor in a position to pass judgment on her timeline for sharing info. It's possible the issue needed further discussion than just the one meeting, I couldn't say. I'd counsel patience.
We can wait to after PaizoCon. It's a great time to have meetings, with each other and Paizo, so maybe things will get ironed out this weekend!
It was just announced, at the PaizonCon preview banquet last night, that the Pathfinder 2.0 playtest would be fully supported by HLO, at launch, on August 2nd. I suspect that this is some of why we haven't seen or heard of much movement on other fronts. I'm sure that it's taken rather a lot of resources so far, working on the next system.