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Pathfinder Core classes in Starfinder 2e


Active member
Are we going to get Pathfinder Player Core content in Starfinder 2e so that we can play Fighters, Monks, etc. alongside our Soldiers and Envoys?
Reposting my response for a similar question in the discord:
Plan is to have integration options come full release. There's some logistical issues we need to solve that made it prohibitive for playtest release, but we've got the groundwork laid. We may unlock some things during the playtest, but not sure just yet.
Reposting my response for a similar question in the discord:
Plan is to have integration options come full release. There's some logistical issues we need to solve that made it prohibitive for playtest release, but we've got the groundwork laid. We may unlock some things during the playtest, but not sure just yet.

There's a Discord? The only one I could find was mostly abandoned- where might one join such a place?