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Not getting License applied to my account


New member
I purchased the HLO subscription on 1/28/18. I have tried logging in and out and also just applying the code to my account and so far noting has worked and I am not getting the subscription show up when I login.

I would be grateful for some assistance.

Likewise not getting license added to account and was told to expect 3 days of wait time... for a new purchase.

This is not looking like a good investment, especially because the programme is on a timer.
Likewise not getting license added to account and was told to expect 3 days of wait time... for a new purchase.

This is not looking like a good investment, especially because the programme is on a timer.

Can you please point us to where it says to expect 3 days of wait time? There may be a typo somewhere. The delay can be up to 1-2 MINUTES after license activation/upgrade for everything to propagate across all of our servers, but certainly not 3 days.

According to the info on our server, your order was successfully processed Tuesday night and your license was upgraded at that time. So everything looks good on the surface here. If you don't have access to the full product, please try logging out and logging back in to your account to see if that fixes things. If that still doesn't solve the problem, you'll need to open a support ticket so that we can work with you directly to figure out what's going wrong.
Can you please point us to where it says to expect 3 days of wait time? There may be a typo somewhere. The delay can be up to 1-2 MINUTES after license activation/upgrade for everything to propagate across all of our servers, but certainly not 3 days.

According to the info on our server, your order was successfully processed Tuesday night and your license was upgraded at that time. So everything looks good on the surface here. If you don't have access to the full product, please try logging out and logging back in to your account to see if that fixes things. If that still doesn't solve the problem, you'll need to open a support ticket so that we can work with you directly to figure out what's going wrong.

Thanks for the reply,
I have logged out and back in. I have also opened a case that seems to have fallen through the cracks

Case 152596

Can you please point us to where it says to expect 3 days of wait time?
The email you get from putting in a support ticket says "3 days".

support email said:
Thanks for contacting Lone Wolf Development technical support. Your message has been received and should typically be answered by email within 3 business days. If you do not receive a response within that time, please make sure to check your spam filter.
I am pretty sure this is what Wageslave is talking about because the few times my players have put in a support ticket they mentioned it. :)
Glad we got this resolved for you Gildresh! In regards to the 3 days, I think Shadow is likely correct. It should never take more than a few minutes for your account to start working. :)

Hoping someone can help. I have a similar issue and I filed a ticket, but its been past 3 days and I have yet to receive assistance.

152597 ticket number, I bought the product this weekend, and have not been able to get usage out of it at all.