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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

No Datafiles From Me


Well-known member
I have been approached in direct messages once more regarding data files.

Please stop asking me for data files.

I have not done conversion for Dark Sun to 5th edition, nor do I intend to do so. I no longer run Dungeons & Dragons games and have no interest in doing any further coding for this system or pathfinder.

I am not willing to share any further data files I create with the community. I only do code for personal use. I am sorry if this disappoints anyone but I am far too busy to do data files for systems I have no interest in running or playing.

If there's anything associated with the 5e Community Pack that would lead people to bother you, please let me know so I can remove it.

Thank you for your thousands of posts over the years, helping people like me learn and understand the authoring kit, creating custom content and HLC in general.