Okay, this is the objective. The arcane skill used to "cast" modifies the amount of Power Points based on the skill level.
d4 Skill = 2 starting power points
d6 Skill = 3 power points
d8 Skill = 4 power points
The character can ALSO still take the Edge Power Points for even more additional PP.
So I have a script that is not quite getting what I want:
So that is giving me a constant bonus of 1 additional Power Point. I am pretty sure I am not getting it correct in this part:
The desire is that should adjust best on the skill level as above listing. So, does anyone have some suggestions how to get my math correct?
d4 Skill = 2 starting power points
d6 Skill = 3 power points
d8 Skill = 4 power points
The character can ALSO still take the Edge Power Points for even more additional PP.
So I have a script that is not quite getting what I want:
foreach pick in hero where "component.Arcane"
var powbonus as number
powbonus = hero.tagis[Skill.skCBDeepConnect]
debug powbonus
~ Half Deep Connection die in Power Points
eachpick.field[resMax].value += powbonus
So that is giving me a constant bonus of 1 additional Power Point. I am pretty sure I am not getting it correct in this part:
The desire is that should adjust best on the skill level as above listing. So, does anyone have some suggestions how to get my math correct?