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Missing lists - Errors


New member
I have noticed that some lists are currently missing:

>Renegades and heretics updated generic list from IA:13 and its 2 variants updated in the new IA:Siege of Vraks.

>Death Korps Assault Brigade from IA:12 ; separated list from the one present in the files (DKoK Siege Masters)

A couple extra lists wrong/faulty imo:

>No mention of the DKoK Armoured battlegroup in the new IA:Siege of Vraks

>There is a codex:ultramarines in the list of available codices (leftover 2nd edition?), and a codex:Imperial fists that I presume was meant to be fused with the supplement Sentinels of Terra?
Any news on dkok list coming for AB? (=

Holding my fingers crossed since my dkok army comes nearer and nearer the "magic" 1500p and a first battle (:
I've checked through the search engine and I couldn't find anything regarding this.

Where could I find the ''war convocation'' formation?

Secondly, the artifacts from the dominus techpriest are the one from the Skitarii book, not the Ad mech one.
Also, I think that armybuilder does not propose all the ''special issue wargear'' to a dominus. I can't find the ''infoslave skull'', ''statis field'' or ''Voltagheist field''.

Did I just missed them?
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