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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Lord of the Rings 5.13 available


Well-known member
Version 5.13 of the data files for Middle-earth SBG is now available.

Additions and corrections in 5.13:

- New FAQ and errata from February 2020 (both February 6 and February 20)
- Changed range of Fury (range of spell is Self, range of effect is 6”)
- Fixed incorrect Marauders option for Uruk-hai Scouts in Isengard list
- Fixed automatic upgrades for Hobbits in LL: Defenders of the Shire (swapped Tooks and Brandybucks)
Under the Isengard list, the Uruk-Hai Demolition Team is counting the Demolition Charge as a warrior model instead of a Heavy Object causing an error in the number of models in the Warband it is part of.
When you choose Halls of Thranduil as a main roster and you add Iron Hills as an allies you got message that armies are convenience allies. When you choose opposite then you have correct historical alliance.